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Indigenous Entertainers

PRAER New Clothing Line created by Amanda Grace Benitez

PRAER New Clothing Line created by Amanda Grace Benitez PRAER is Inspired by my Panamanian heritage and ethical responsibilities to our planet and its inhabitants. PRAER is a women led and employed clothing line that uses only vegan, organic, and sustainable materials and is hand-crafted in Los Angeles.  PRAER was started in 2015 as a passion project to raise awareness of the beauty and culture of Panama’s indigenous people. All of the imagery...

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How Can You Prepare for the Best Results in Facelift Surgery: Essential Pre-Op Tips

How Can You Prepare for the Best Results in Facelift Surgery: Essential Pre-Op Tips

When considering a facelift, one of the most crucial steps is preparation, which directly influences your surgery's success. Good preparation will not only enhance the likelihood of an optimal outcome but will also support a smoother, faster recovery process. To prepare effectively, it's vital to understand what a facelift entails and how preoperative measures can contribute to the best possible results. Gearing up for a...

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9 Ways to Get a Summer-Ready Look

9 Ways to Get a Summer-Ready Look

Winter can feel like it drags on forever, and during those chilly months, the balmy days of summer can begin to seem like a distant memory. But the good news is that summer always returns, and we’re getting to the point where we can begin making fun plans for the great few months that are getting closer and closer. After a few months spent more...

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Why You Need to See Skincare Beyond Just Anti-Aging

Why You Need to See Skincare Beyond Just Anti-Aging

Everyone is after youthful skin; in fact, it’s seemed to have gotten so bad to the point that teenagers and even tweens want to focus on their skincare routines and even use strong products like Retinol, even though it’s literally not needed! It’s true that anti-aging has always been around; in fact, people, sadly, seem to base their worth on this. But it even goes...

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Unleashing the Incredible Vocals of Singer Haven Madison

Unleashing the Incredible Vocals of Singer Haven Madison

18 yr. old American Idol finalist, HAVEN MADISON, hailed “The Next Big Pop Star” by Katy Perry  Photographer Robby Klein     Congrats on the release of your debut EP Turn Off All The Lights . Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the song  Kiss The Ground? Thank you so much! The inspiration for Kiss The Ground was the amount of work that I...

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British Men are Taking over hollywood me cover Edwin de la Renta

British Men are Taking over hollywood me cover   Edwin de la  Renta

Cover Edwin de la Renta Photographer Fin Dudman Grooming Najat Serghini Editor Interview:@ouchmagazine Cardigan/ Kenzo   Loafers / GH Bass Jeans / Scarf  Acne/ Knitwear  Cos / Socks  Route One/ Vest  Arket /Yachtmaster / Rolex      I first got involved in acting when I left school aged 16. I always loved movies but had never put two and two together that I could be in them. From a young age, I watched films religiously with my...

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Print on Demand - Ouch! Magazine

Collect Ouch Magazine's Print on Demand

Trendy  Unisex Sunglasses

Trendy Unisex Sunglasses