Actress Scout Taylor-Compton x Ouch Magazine
Dec 03, 2018
Hair: Sergio Sanchez

1. It’s great to meet such an exciting actress such as yourself. Tell us a little bit about your background, Where did you train to be an actress and how were you discovered?
I was one of those energizer bunnies as a kid and my parents saw I liked to always put on a they got me into student films! I loved being on set and before I knew it, I was doing skits with Jay Leno. It was, and still is, a wild ride and I love it so much.
2. You are known as a "Scream Queen", due to your many roles in Horror films, like “Halloween”, do you like watching horror films? What is your favorite genre of film and TV?
I grew up with a mortician as a father, so yes I love horror films! My favorite genre of film is usually romantic movies or documentaries. As for TV, always the Food Network.
3. What is your favorite movie/TV show of all time?
My favorite movie is The Little Mermaid and I just found out my friend is playing her in the live action…I'm beyond excited for her! My favorite TV show has to be Six Feet Under, or for the old school days, The Dating Game.
4. Who, or what inspires you? People, in general, inspire me. I try to talk to at least five different people daily and I always leave the conversation inspired.
5. How excited are you to have joined the “Nashville” cast? How did this role come about?
I'm beyond excited to be on Nashville! I was such a fan of country music and of the show. It’s definitely making my little country heart happy. This experience has been beyond what I could have ever expected. I truly am blessed to call this show my second home.
The characters you have played in Horror films?
Well, for starters I don't have to scream and cry every day. Erin is full of life and she is just one bad-ass chick. The adventure in her eyes just allows me to build so much with her character.
7. How would you describe your personal style?
I'm a unique creature. I have to always be comfortable, but still, have to have that tomboy rocker feel. I love my hats and boots.
8. Do you, or have you ever had a celebrity crush? If so, who?
My celebrity crush will always be the beautiful Patrick his soul.
9. You seem to love to change your look and have had several hairstyles and colors over the years. What’s your favorite hair color and why? And what was your least favorite, and why?
My favorite will always be the hairstyle I can't do, which is dreads. One day I hope a role calls for me to rock the dreads. My least favorite will always be my blonde. I just don't feel the innocence of it.
10. If we were to go in your purse right now, what would we find?
Got you! I don't wear a purse...I wear a satchel! Right now you would find my harmonica, crystals, and probably crumpled up money.
11. What latest style/trend are you SO over?
Socks with sandals...always. Even though my dad commits this crime on a regular basis.
12. Where do you call home?
Anywhere that my pup Kodiman is.
13. What is your favorite place to visit in the world? Denmark because the beautiful mermaid lives there!
14. How do you stay positive, and can you give your fellow young actors a few tips?
Always do and surround yourself with love. Also, always know your worth!
15. What future projects should we be keeping an eye out for?
Continue to watch Nashville because Erin's storyline is only getting started. Also, I have movies called Ghost House and Feral coming out next year.
16. Since it’s the holiday season, do you prefer to give gifts, or receive them? Always give! I love buying for the people I love.
17. Do you like social media? If so, where can fans reach out to you? What is your favorite social media platform?
I do love social media! My twitter is @poutyscouty and my Instagram is @undertheseascout. Please let us know if you need anything else. Thanks!