New York Black | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Photographer: Lena Melnik Makeup Artist: Charlotte Bourgeois Model: Charlotte Reardon @Wilhelmina Models Wardrobe Credits: & Other stories , Wolford , Cupshe
Elegance is key, confidence is Queen | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Model: MaKenzie Lauren Photographer: Kristia Knowles Lash Artist: Bree Madren Makeup Artist: Anjelica Webster
In Awe of You | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Creative Director/Photographer: David IG: d.g.noble Creative Director/Photographer: Sibila Galanis IG: thechroniclesofsibila Model: Daniel Yburov IG: danielyaburov Model: Angela Zhang @New York MMG IG: angelazballet Fashion Designer/Wardrobe Stylist: Mad Under ...
PIKUPAJKU X TIPPIE | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Pikupajku , Photographer, Tippie @directedbytippie
Camila Story January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE CAMILA’S STORY Photographer: Dalton Louis Stylist: Marissa Benedetto Makeup: Kirti Tewani Model: Camila Gamallo @Supreme
Shape Shifters | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE #photography by #andrewfearman #stylist #kasiakostrzewa #hair by #henrikomelki #makeupartist #leitai #model #amypejkovic of #londonmgt #fashioneditorial #backissues of #ouchmagazineny
Get Away | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Photographer: Agnieszka Potoczna IG: potoczna WB: Makeup Artist: Sadaf Ahmad IG: sadafmakeupuk Model: Bunmi Ademokoya @namedmodels IG: bunmiademokoya
Poupée qui pleure | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Pop singer: Audshine Photographer: Yasmine Bennis Makeup Artist: Coline Roussel Wardrobe: The Kooples
ADELINE |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Model Adeline Cortesi @adeline.cortesi At @kijomodels Art direction & Stylist / Producer @theperfectgeoetry / Photographer Yannick Verdier Monsegur At / MUA Bondicamefrom venus @pmrnze_ Assistant Enkhjargal Khandka @e.khandka / Photo assist @_pauline_beltran_
Cloud 90s |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Photographer: Bri Godard IG: brigodardModel: Ava Smith IG: ava_smthMakeup Artist: Kini Yukina Sanada. IG: yukinasanada_
Sunshine State of Mind |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Photographer: Natalie Kagasoff Model: Savannah Gabriella IG: savgabriella Wardrobe Stylist: Kingdom & State IG: kingdomandstate
BREATHLESS |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE BREATHLESS |Editorial Fashion Designer: 追骆驼骑驴找马 Photographer: Dominic Liang Hair Stylist: Dongzi Makeup Artist: Yiniii_gao
Autumn Mood |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Autumn Mood |Editorial Autumn Mood Model: Arina Shalygina
Disregarded Floccinaucinihilipilification |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Disregarded Floccinaucinihilipilification The word “floccinaucinihilipilification” means to deem something as worthless. In present day, female persons are given this title when they don’t adhere to what mediocre men want them...
Ouch Magazine presents " Color Theory | Editorials January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Photographer: Leigh Ann Cobb. A color collaboration with MUA Josh Thiel & Photographer Leigh Ann Cobb. Shot in natural, gloomy light to explore the depth of color v the intensity. Model: Debbie...
MOVE | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Director + Photographer: Lee Morton Producer: Kimberli Foltyn Photo Assist: Andrew Baer Gaffer/Grip: Pedro Cunillera Stylist: Wilfree Vasquez Torres HMU: Sara Ritmer Wardrobe Credits: Fur Coats & Scarfs: helen yarmak (see magazine for prices)...
BLUE | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Photographer: Ana Maria Gergely Model: Luca Giovanetti Model: Pol Monsech
ART OF FASHION |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Creative Director- Diana Lechon Elektra Model Makeup Artist: Adrian RuilovaPhotographer: Linda ViksnaFashion Designer: Ekaterina CherkasovaAccessory Designer: Alexsandra GauthierWardrobe Stylist: Gijlaryan KristinaFashion Designer: Minerva ParisModel: Stephanie BaltrusModel: Alexandra VolandovskayaModel: Lisa EjrhomModel:...
Emi de rojo y negro |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Emi de rojo y negro |Editorial Photographer: Antonio Miralles Gasco Model: Emileidy Vera
The Spotlight | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE The Spotlight Hair & wardrobe - Stacey Smoker @stacey_smoker Photographer - Nohemi Capetillo @nohemi.capetillo Make up- Melissa Musseau @mmusse Artistic Director - Mio Sota @miosotahair Assistant & Tech Support - Cristian Diaz
The Beauty with Summer | Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Photographer: Robin Ann Moore @Ar’moore Model Management IG: armooremodels Model/Makeup Artist: Destiny Grimm @Ar'moore Models IG: glamaethetics
Do I look Fierce enough for you? January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Model: Sophie Barker IG: sophiepbarker Photographer: Vika BubWB:
Mrs. World Congeniality |Editorial January 31, 2025OUCH! MAGAZINE Model: Valeriya Hjertenaes Photographer: Figini Giorgio Andrea Hair Stylist: Elena Lenko. Fashion Designer: Carolina Cortesi ...