Music Artist Rayla covers Ouch Magazine GenX issue
Apr 07, 2019Photographer: Robbie Joseph
How would you describe your sound?
My sound is definitely more POP. It took me a while to really find my sound and feel like this is really me. At the same time, I hate to define my sound and put it in a box. I’d rather my listeners just enjoy my music and they can define it how they hear it.
How long have you been a singer?
My mom says I was born singing! Growing up there was always music playing in our house. So I was always singing and performing around the house. I did the local town performances and talent show and eventually started doing performances around the country, having my songs on the radio and being able to share my experiences and thoughts through my songs. It’s kind of amazing to think how far I have come from the little kid standing on the family room coffee table performing for my family.
What inspired you to pursue this career?
When I was younger my dad would play music all the time and I would have major dance parties. Seeing old home videos, I see I wasn’t too good, but I always had a wide variety of music. I used to perform on my dishwasher, coffee table, or any place that could potentially be a stage. One day this hobby of mine became a reality. I watched and studied other singers and began creating myself as a real artist.
Would you ever do a musical or have you?
I used to do musicals when I was younger and I had a lot of fun with that. I realized when I got a little older than I enjoyed being creative within myself instead of playing somebody else. But I do hope to one day get back into that world as well. As I get older I’m looking for more things to do within the music world.
Do you enjoy acting as well as singing?
Acting is definitely something I eventually want to get into. Right now it’s all music and I have to focus on that, reach those goals, and then dip into acting. I think it would be really fun I’m open to anything!
How big are you on social media? Do you enjoy it? Which platform is your fave right now?
I feel like I’m not the biggest on social media but to me, the numbers don’t really matter, it’s just the connecting with people. I like to use Instagram but do struggle sometimes with sharing all aspects of my life on social media. I like to keep some things private.
What’s the most difficult thing about being famous?
Well, to be completely honest I don’t think I’m quite there yet! But so far everything’s pretty good lol. Sometimes I struggle with sharing myself through social media. I’m still a normal 17-year-old girl and have some insecurities. I have to be present and sometimes I like to disconnect from social media- it can be a challenge.
What would you do differently if you could from your past?
I honestly don’t think I would change much. All of my struggles and experiences and successes would not have formed me into who I am today. As frustrating as things can be, it will only make you stronger and more capable. And for me, I get to share my struggles to help other people and that’s what counts to me. That's what gets me through some days.
What are your biggest pet peeves?
This is hard I don’t know that I have that many. One is definitely when someone says “you should have been there!” And another is when my screen freezes when I’m watching Netflix!
What projects are we to look for this year that you’re involved in?
My EP “Alter Ego” recently dropped which I am super excited about. I love the creative process, so I have been spending a lot of time in the studio working on my next release. I was asked by Disney to perform the theme song for their series “Fast Layne”, and the music video for that is airing on the Disney Channel. I plan on getting out more performing and just continuing to use my music to express myself and hopefully reach people that may be going through similar situations. Who knows what else the year will bring! I was asked by Disney to perform