Dec 07, 2021
Photographer: Brandy Allen Hairstylist: Malaika Fraizer Mu: Brandy Allen
Adriyan Rae is an American actress and medical laboratory scientist, known for her role as Elida in the short-lived Syfy drama Vagrant Queen. And as Paramedic Gianna Mackey in the NBC drama Chicago Fire.
Were you an athletic person going up? If so, what sports did you enjoy watching or playing?
I actually am very athletic and grew up playing sports year around. I played field hockey from the age of 5; where I ended up playing for the junior Olympic team. I also ran indoor and outdoor track. My races were the relays and the hurdles mainly. But I'm also a HUGE football fan. I love it, that's my number one sport to watch. But I love watching all sports normally, that’s why I love watching the Olympics. I'm secretly obsessed with curling.
The Game is a hit tv show, how did you come across this role?
How are you different or similar from the role you play in the game?
I had always loved The Game. My reps sent me the audition and I was instantly interested based on Brittany Pitts’ current breakdown. We have a lot in common and a lot of differences which is really fun to play out. I am way more diplomatic and cautious than Brittany. And I'm not very motivated by money but I'm also a lot smarter with my money. We are both very strong, driven, women who are true feminists. And we do everything we can for those that we love.

How was the onset of the Game? Where do they film the show?
We film in Atlanta, and being on set is lots of fun! We are constantly cracking jokes and making each other laugh. It’s a really cool dynamic we have; where we all understand each other and respect one another and our acting process. I have to say this is one of my favorite casts I’ve ever worked with.
How do you stay healthy and beautiful? What's your beauty/fitness routine?
Ha! Why Thank You. I really focus on what I put into my body. Ask anyone on set I'm the one asking for my chlorophyll water in a glass container. Or all organic produce. For the majority of filming, I've been going between a vegan and alkaline raw vegan diet. Along with that, I work out 4-5 times a week for a minimum of 45 minutes. And my skincare routine consists mainly of Alicia Keys’ Keys Soul Care regimen and lots of hydration.
How do you stay humble? What makes you smile?
‘I stay humble by just doing that. I believe humility is really just the practice of staying grounded and grateful. Wherever those two things are, humility can be found as well. I do this by doing 1 hour of meditation a day, journaling, and making a daily gratitude list. But most importantly by taking the time out to appreciate all the beauty and expressions of love around me. From watching the sunrise or sunset, appreciating a flower’s beauty as I walk by, etc.’
Single or taken? What's the best way a person would catch your attention if you're single?
Single. And umm... that's a good question. I am really in tune with energy. So genuine good energy and intentions with a sense of humor would catch my attention I suppose. Followed by effort, the ability to effectively communicate, and consistency. And lastly, I would only be interested in someone who has done or is doing the inner work they need to; because really who has the time? Go to therapy folks, we all need to heal something within our inner child.
How would you describe your personal style and What style trends are you just ready for them to be over?
My personal style is really dynamic. One day I'm stuck in the ’90s with the Aaliyah vibes or a tomboy-type style, and the next I'm a bohemian princess. So it really depends on what I'm feeling that day. Trends I'm ready to be over? I guess... I am just ready for more natural aesthetics to be appreciated way more.
What other projects should fans lookout for from you for 2022?
Work-wise: I will be in the new upcoming season of Donald Glover’s ATLANTA and some cool movies and video games will be disclosed at a later date. Personally: 2022 will be the year that the #LoveandLight Media Heart and Soul scholarship will be available to college students. We are overwhelmingly excited to get it up and running, and be able to give back in this way!
What are your plans for the new year and how can people support you via social media?
My plans for the new year... I plan to remain open to abundance and God exceeding my expectations. I plan to continue my journey exactly how I'm supposed to and to have true love, joy, & happiness surrounding me. If one feels so inclined they can show support via Instagram, Twitter, Facebook @AdriyanRae. I hope if you do follow me you find something that will fill your spirit in some way.