
Gwendolyn Osborne actress and social media enthusiast

Gwendolyn Osborne actress and social media enthusiast

Photographer: Gregory Keith Metcalf

Exclusively for @ouchmagazineny 

Gwendolyn Osborne x ouch magazine

Wow wonder woman is iconic. How excited were you to hear you'd scored the role?

 I was elated. I feel so honored to be one of the elite competitor amazons j in n this iconic movie. 


What was the hardest thing about preparing for the role? 

EVERYTHING! It was mostly physical so getting in the best shape of my life took its toll lol! Super grateful for all of the knowledge I have for fitness and stunt work now though and of course getting a fit bod! 

You have been in so many great movies, do you have any favorites?

 This is for sure my favorite because of the empowering meaning behind it. Being able to shoot back in England, where I am from was also such a great full circle. 


What is your ideal future role and co-star? 

Let dream. I would love to work with Patty Jenkins again playing a superhero role or a series regular role with director/producers Ryan Murphy or Shonda Rhimes incorporating my singing. Being Nigeria, Cuba, the West Indies, and Ireland, and from the Uk. 


What kinds of food did you eat growing up? What was your favorite dish? 

The simple version is Jamaican and British lol! And I love escoveitch fish (pan fried and stewed fish) from my Jamaican culture and Good ole fish n chips in the paper with malted vinegar and salt from England. 


What's your beauty routine? 

My own skin care line called Lomolique. I love the facial oil because it helps my skin stay clear and looking young.


Gwendolyn Osborne

Where in the world would you love to visit that you have not?

The Maldives! I am dying to stay in one of those above sea homes and slide down into the sea!


What's the hardest part about being a mom in Hollywood? The balancing act of work vs play, which I think is any working moms constant challenge. Trying to figure out what’s helpful or what’s hurtful in public exposure though is always a concern. 


What advice would you give yourself 5 years ago? 

Make a clear plan and stay dedicated. You are worth it and your talents will bless others to keep working hard to hate them with the world. 


What projects should we look for in 2021-2022?

My podcast Tea With Gwen will be dropping soon, chatting with successful women around the world, including Patty Jenkins. They share how they balance it all with career and home life! I had no idea Patty loves speed skating to stay fit! Little gems like this are dropped in there. 


How can fans reach out to you via social media?

 I’m always on IG with the shenanigans lol! @itsgwendolyn my skin care is @lomolique