Photographer: Richie Lubaton
Stylist: Cheyenne Hoffman
Groomer: Mona Sadrnia
Interviews by @ouchmagazineny
Tell me a little bit about your character in the new Freeform series “Motherland: Fort Salem”?
Adil has a big heart and is not afraid to stand for what he believes in, even against powers of authority; something we may all be able to learn from. In the series, he arrives in Fort Salem seeking help, as his home is being torn apart by violent political conflict. And like a fish out of water, he tries to figure out how to continue to care for his loved ones, without being afraid of creating a little friction within Fort Salem. Well, this series looks scary haha were the sets scary? GAH! Good thing we had a whole crew on set. One of the main locations is an abandoned psychiatric hospital, and I could see why it is a popular location for different shows: faded wallpaper, gloomy lighting, certain rooms with dents/scratches on the walls. And I have this weird thing where I like to purposely challenge myself, so idiot I liked to take a few solo walks on certain floors, or even the basement…and some rooms you can just feel the paranormal activity.
What are your favorite things about the character you are playing in this series?
As mentioned earlier, he’s got a big heart and stands for what he believes in. I think this is something I continuously aspire for, to not only lead with my heart but also allow it always to crack more open. I feel it is also sometimes tough to stand in your truth, especially if that may disrupt harmony in your surroundings. I think it is the battle of the artist, and one I continuously strive for.
Do you believe in the supernatural?
Sure do. I believe there is so much beyond our senses’ perceptions. Just writing this gives me goosebumps. Not long ago, I went for a walk with my best friend. He was slightly behind me as we were talking. Then I felt a really strong push on my left shoulder that forced an extra step. I looked back to call him out, only to realize he was way out of reach. And lots of little stories about light flicks, doors suddenly slamming, ouija boards…I believe most of those forces are out for our best, so it allows me to sleep at night.

What would you say to all the people who were just getting started in the entertainment business and now it's very hard to get in the door?
Every industry is hard and competitive, the entertainment business especially. So follow your heart, surround yourself with individuals who unconditionally support you, and try to crack a smile once in a while.
“Every industry is hard and competitive, the entertainment business especially. So follow your heart, surround yourself with individuals who unconditionally support you, and try to crack a smile once in a while.”
What are your work-out tips to stay healthy?
Dance every day! Whilst you’re cooking, driving, sitting in front of the computer, pretty much any time of the day. And not too much ice cream.
Single or in a relationship?
The heart is falling big time, maybe for the first time.
Following it with my every breath. The rest will be as to be.
What attracts people to you?
Horrible dad jokes. Ah, tempted to drop one…what does a grizzly first say when calling customer service? Just bear with me…K. Bye.
Where can fans follow you on social?
Instagram or Twitter! Is #follow4follow still a thing?