Violet and April Brinson Stars of HBO's "Sharp Objects"
Oct 07, 2018
How did you prepare for this role?
V: First off, I read the book which gave me a picture of who Kelsey is. Plus April and I talked a lot about our characters and our scenes and developed them together. It was really fun going through that process.
A: Throughout filming, I really had to identify with the moments in my life where I have felt less than or unwanted. I also had to find the desire to please Kelsey and Amma even though they continued to treat me poorly. In order to have these emotions up front and ready for filming I would spend time writing or thinking about specific instances in my life that are similar to Jodes. After I found the triggers that Jodes and I shared, I could often use them as a way to understand the other emotions and situations that Jodes was in that I have not experienced in my own life.
Do you ever get star stuck? You are working with the greats.
V: Oh, of course! I remember the first table read for Sharp Objects. In every seat were these huge stars which I had watched and looked up to since I was young. Just one after the other, Amy Adams, Chris Messina, Patricia Clarkson, Elizabeth Perkins, and Jean Marc. It was insane!
A: Of course, I have grown up watching Amy, Patricia, Chris, and Elizabeth in movies and idolizing them. My first day on set, I had a scene with Amy and I thought I would pass out. When we started working though, she eased all my discomfort right away. She was very warm, friendly, and said if there was anything I needed or had questions about I could ask her. Because of how comfortable she made me, I was able to stay conscious throughout the day and do my very best work.
What would you change about your character if you could re-write the role?
V: I couldn’t imagine changing anything. Kelsey is such an interesting character and her dynamic with Jodes and Amma is so intriguing and original. I loved delving into it all!
A: I wouldn’t change a thing. Jodes is who she’s supposed to be. Gillian and all the writers did a fabulous job bringing her to life, I’m just happy I got to be a part of the process.
What do you love about being a young Hollywood actress in 2018?
V: I feel like there are a lot of opportunities out there right now, especially as a girl breaking into the business. I am so grateful for all of the brave women who have paved the way and stood up for all of the girls and women entering the business in 2018. I think this is such an incredible time to be a young actress, thanks to them.
A: I think now is a great time to be a young actress in Hollywood. There are so many great roles and opportunities out there right now. I am also so thankful for all the women who have stood up and fought for each other this past year. It’s very inspiring.
Who are your idols and why?
V: There are so many people I look up to. As far as acting goes, I’m obsessed with Vera Farmiga right now, because I’m binge watching Bates Motel and she is such a tremendous actress. I love Reese Witherspoon, Emma Stone, Nicole Kidman, and Rachel McAdams. I could really go on and on, haha!
A: Jennifer Lawrence. She has my dream career. Her body of work is so diverse; I would love the chance to embody so many different types of people and circumstances. I love that she has so many fabulous indies such as Poker House as well as blockbusters
Do you ever get scared of working on this set?
V: The very first day, I was so nervous. We were filming a scene with Amy Adams and I was freaking out. However, Amy was so kind and welcoming; she really put me at ease and made me comfortable. Plus, having April by my side who was in the same boat as I was, was a huge support.
A: I was way too excited to be scared. I did get very nervous. After my first few days I was on a roll though and from then on out I had the best time of my life.
How do you stay grounded?
V: I feel like April and I are both quite grounded naturally and we are raised in a family that is very close and encouraging. Having that safe space to come back to helped a ton.
A: My sister. She’s my inspiration. The way she handles herself on set and in life inspires me to be humble and kind.
Where do you call home?
V: We’ve travelled a lot in our lives. We’ve lived in Texas and Oklahoma, and now Los Angeles. This might sound really cheesy, but home for me is wherever my mom and my sister are. They are my biggest supporters and I know that we can make an adventure out of anything as long as we are together.
A: I’m originally from Texas, but I’m an LA Baby now!!!
What would be a surprise that your fans would know about you as a person?
V: I’m actually a bit of an introvert. I love staying home to read or watch TV. I’m very mellow.
A: I love math, it’s always been my favorite subject in school.
How can the fans reach out to you and what do you have other this amazing show for the end of this year?
V: I have an Instagram: @violet_brinson. Follow me! As for what’s next, I can’t say anything at this time. However, I’m very busy with work and auditions and can’t wait to share in the future.
A: My main social media account is on Instagram @aprilbrinson123. I always love it when people message me, so feel free to reach out! I don’t have any projects I can talk about quite yet, but hopefully will be able to share them with you soon!