What is Stargirl and How Does Trae Romano Fit In?
Oct 01, 2021Photographer Robert Kazandjian @kazphoto
Trae Romano plays Mike Dugan, the overly charming offspring of Pat Dugan (Luke Wilson) and the unctuous new step-relative to Stargirl, Courtney Whitmore (Brec Bassinger).

Had you been a fan of the series or comic book before taking the role?
Actually no, I was more of a Star Wars fan. I wasn’t really familiar at all with Stargirl or the DC comics franchise.
How does it feel when you're on set? What's your happiest memory from set?
Being on set is amazing. The energy and connection the cast has is remarkable. We all get along on and off-screen and it really shows in our work I think.
How did you play this awesome role?
Tell us more about the role.
Mike is more complex than he appears to be. He juggles being a son, stepson, stepbrother, and the feeling of being on the periphery. He desperately wants to be part of the JSA, to be a part of the group. The struggle he goes through is explored throughout Season 3. Actually, playing mike isn’t so hard. He’s a lot like me. Geoff told me early on that it was easy to write dialogue for Mike because we are so much alike.
How old were you when you first started acting?
Do you have any other special talents?
I was about five. I didn’t get many roles but continued going to acting classes and auditioning tirelessly for eight solid years non-stop. Finally, I got the call when I was thirteen for Stargirl and honestly, I had auditioned so much that month, I couldn’t even remember which one it was!
What's your biggest inspiration? Who's your Hollywood crush?
My biggest inspiration is honestly probably Anthony Bourdain.
My Hollywood crush is Yara Shahidi, because… well yeah, I don’t have to say much.

What inspires you in life? Where did you wish you could be when we had locked down?
I wish I could have been in New York while also not locked down. My friends and people close to me inspire me; also my future in general, and small things about everyday life.
Do you have any other projects your fans should look for in 2022?
I’m always auditioning and looking for that next role. I’m writing a few things and I’m hoping to start filming one of them soon.
Can you give any spoilers for season 2?
Not really, just expect a lot of blurring off the lines later on in the season - Mike’s character and everyone else’s gets toyed with.
Will you be at comic con or doing anything live? How can fans reach you via social media?
That’s all up to Geoff!! @traeromano