How would you describe your artist style?
I can't really describe it-- it's just me. It's different. I'm a muse. My artistry is relaxing, with a twist of hip hop.
What do you think of people becoming famous by singing on youtube?
I think it's cool. I used to want to make rapping videos when I first started, but never really got around to getting a camera and stuff of that sort. But I think it's decent. A lot of people are heard first off of YouTube.
What do you think about today's rappers?
Today's rappers are decent, it's a different era. Every era changes because more generations grow. Music overall, along with styles, are changing everyday. I can dig it.
Who is your inspiration when it come to music?
I've been listening to a lot of Sade lately. She's becoming my role model. She's just so smooth with it. I can listen to her all day, and be in a good mood.
If you weren't rapper what other career would you be in?
I'd probably be in school to become a veterinarian. I love animals so much. Other then that, I have no idea what I would be doing. All I can think about is making music.
Do you write your own music and lyrics?
Yes, every last line.
What you favorite rap line ever?
"Now my mom smile every time my name is up in the source." -Notorious B.I.G
Where can fans see you live?
At A3C music conference in October for sure. But always check out for updates.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
On billboards, having my own tour, so busy I can't even sleep. I definitely see myself being an idol in 5 years. Iconic.
How can your fans reach out to you?
My fans can reach me via social media; Instagram & twitter
@ Raymoonnn. Tweet me or @ me