
Celebs & Their Flashy Luxuries

Celebs & Their Flashy Luxuries


Celebs are known for having everything and anything flashy and flaunting it all for those of us who can’t afford it to see. But we love following celebrities and their lives, it’s fascinating to see how the other half live. We get caught up in their drama, know their lives inside and out, and almost feel as though we’re connected to them in some strange way.  From expensive cars to mansions in the Hollywood hills, celebs have it all. Or at least, we think they do. We know that being a celebrity doesn’t come without its trials and tribulations. All you have to do is open social media or have a look at one of the latest magazines and you’ll be able to see some new drama unfolding. But what we really want to look at is their flashy purchases. What they’re buying and where they’re getting it from so we can sit with envy.

Their Big Houses


This is probably the one to be most envious of, especially if you’re a homeowner yourself and you’ve already moved out. We’d all no doubt like to have lovely houses, it’s just easier said than done. For example, one home is on the market in LA for $200,000,000, that’s an insane amount of money. With home cinemas, lavish pools, and incredible views, it’s easy to see why celebs have to pay so much to live in the homes that they do. There are some ways that you can bring some of the inspiration from celebs home into your own to make it feel a little more trendy. One that oozes luxury is marble, which of course can be rather expensive, so there are alternative lookalikes that you could have in your own home. Faux fur rugs are also so stylish, as well as piling your home full of accessories such as a fancy chandelier, silver antiques, or even something as simple as a hot tub in your back garden!


The Flashy Cars


Of course the rich and the famous are known for their flashy cars, would they be a celebrity if they didn’t have a Range Rover and a Rolls Royce on the drive? Just like with their homes, they certainly pay the price on the road. Some celebs have taken it to the extreme of throwing caution to the wind and driving their fast cars, very fast, resulting in the need for a car accident lawyer. We know that you’re not going to be able to drive round in a Rolls Royce, but you can try and step up your car game by looking at Mercedes or Aud, they’re not as expensive as you might think if you go second hand and compromise on the age and the miles.

The Lavish Lifestyle

Is their lifestyle as lavish as it might seem? No, it’s probably not. Celebs actually have such a tough life with everything they do being plastered all over the media. Luckily, their lifestyle is one of the easiest to replicate. All you have to do is eat out, train with a personal trainer, go shopping, and you’re doing some of the luxuries that celebs love to do, only you don’t have to have a camera shoved in your face.