
One to Watch actor Tommy Hatto

One to Watch actor Tommy Hatto

Photographer : Lorna Wilkins

1. How long have you been acting?
I filmed my first movie in 2013, but really getting serious about acting, probably in the last few years. I want to learn as much about the industry as possible and really focus on my craft. It's a slow process but at the same time, very exciting about this new skillset I've acquired.

2. Who is your favorite director that you would love to work with in the future?

Can I have a few? I have a hit list of people I want to work with; directors, actors, writers. James Wan is high on that list. His body of work is so strong and you can see his vision for each movie he makes. He re-invented the horror genre, when you take a look at his choice of angles and camera shots, pans, speed - you can tell that even though there is this simplicity when you're watching as a viewer, it's all carefully constructed with precision. On a personal level, it's so great to see someone of ethnic diversity at the forefront of film and really becoming a pioneer in that field. Another director I really want to work with is Steven Spielberg. I mean, he's Steven Spielberg! I grew up as a kid watching E.T, Jurassic Park, The Color Purple and Indiana Jones. And Scorcese! See I told you I had a hit list.


3. What would you not do in a tv show or movie, what’s off limits?

I'm a working actor so really you gotta get what you can take and take what you can get. But at the end of the day, I think it all depends on the material I'm reading. If there are certain things that are asked, I think you have to be open to it if it's key to the narrative and character development. Let's take nude scenes for example, if someone said the character had to go nude and there really wasn't any comprehensive reason behind it then I probably wouldn't do it.

4. What inspires you In life?

People. I've met so many people from all different walks of life, all different parts of the world and they all each have a different and unique story to tell. And that inspires me. It inspires me from the bigger picture goals I set myself all the way to the everyday decisions I make. Even in my acting, when I'm playing a character for a role or an audition, I either dig deep within my soul to find those emotions and character or I think of someone I met and say 'yeah that person is definitely how I see this part being played'.

5.  How do you say fit?

I work out almost everyday or at least get moving everyday. I love being outdoors and combing exercise within nature. Going for a run or walking or hiking or swimming or surfing. I'm a total outdoorsman. I go to the gym around 5-6 times a week mixing it up between strength training, MMA and cardio. it just keeps me focused you know? Once I've done some form of exercise, I'm ready to take on whatever that day throws at me. I have this mindset like an athlete. I think like a athlete, eat the right foods, push myself to my very core in workouts.

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Continuing to make movies but on a bigger scale. These next few years are going to be cementing myself as someone who works hard and someone who's got that hunger in his eyes. I want to make movies that say something, that touch people in the kinda the same way that hopefully my book does. Something to inspire people and make them realize they're worth.

7. What question are you so tired of answering?

I don't think there are any. Again, like I said before - I'm a working actor who doesn't have this extensive back catalogue of films so the questions are always going to be limited when it comes to interviews. Maybe ask me again in a few years.

8. What projects do you have lined up?

I have a movie coming out in the next few months called 'The Last Full Measure'. It's a war movie but not your typical war movie, the war scenes are kinda at the backdrop of a more important issue, getting this airman called William Pitsenbarger the coveted Medal of Honor. I had a great time filming this. We were out in the jungle in Thailand for a few weeks battling the elements. We had a US marine working with us prior to shooting taking us through this crazy intense workout regime everyday. It was tough but they really wanted to re-create the brotherhood that would have been formed back in the days of the Vietnam War. I have also a book which is released next year which is kinda half self-help half memoir but really enlightening people on how to be the best version of yourself you can be, through looking after your mind and your body. I'll also be guest speaking at some conferences next year at various places so it's going to be an interesting year.

9. Do you plan to have a youtube channel or do more projects on your own since social media rules now?

Here's the thing - I suck at social media. Do you know how many times people have said I need to up my social media game? And I know I do, it's the way forward. I'm just so bad but maybe that's a new years resolution. So who knows? Maybe there will be a YouTube series next year!

10. Where can fans reach out to you or see you this year or 2019?

Even though I'm bad at social media, I still like to connect with fans so you can reach me on Twitter or Instagram - both are @tommyhatto . I'll be speaking at some events next year and doing more promo stuff so you can find out all the details on my instagram and people can come say hi.