
The Good Doctor Actress Jasika Nicole: One To Watch

The Good Doctor Actress Jasika Nicole: One To Watch

The Good Doctor Actress Jasika Nicole: One To Watch


The Good Doctor Actress Jasika Nicole: One To Watch/1


Editor Interview: @ouchmagazineny 

What does being a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community mean to you?

For me, it means showing up for *everyone* under the umbrella, not just for the people with identities that I personally relate to. Our community has always been diverse but it’s now becoming more nuanced as we begin to feel safer sharing all the parts of ourselves that we once had to hide. As our community broadens, it means we need to keep educating ourselves on the experiences our queer peers have and continuing to fight for equality for every single one of us. Just because we are not having the same personal struggles as other members of our community, doesn’t mean that they are less important it means we have to shout louder to make sure they are being heard.


What do you want to be known for in your life and career?

I want to have introduced the power of stepping outside of one’s comfort zone to discover the healing power of making. I want to remind people (particularly adults) of the thrill of having hobbies, of making art, and having fun with it, no matter how it looks. Although I feel very fortunate to have the career that I have, I want to be remembered not for the characters I played but for the person I am; I want to have an impact on the ways that people find joy and peace in their lives.


How do you select the right roles?

I’m not sure if it is I who selects the roles or if they select me. Like most regular working actors, I don’t really have the luxury of picking and choosing which characters I play, but I have found power in saying no to roles and projects that don’t align with my values or needs. Although it’s hard, I try not to think about other people’s opinions and thoughts about what roles I take on; I don’t want to have to answer to anyone but myself. If something feels off or my gut is pushing me away from a project, I pay attention. Ultimately, I want to focus on doing work that makes me happy and proud.


What projects can we see you in right now?

I’m currently on ABC’s The Good Doctor playing Dr. Carly Lever.



Are you active on social media? Which is your favorite form of connecting with fans?

I prefer Instagram by a mile! I was the last person I would have ever imagined to be on Instagram because I don’t think I am very talented at capturing interesting pictures, but I realize now that Instagram is less about perfect photos and more about sharing experiences. I started sharing all my making projects (sewing, shoemaking, woodworking, weaving, knitting, etc.) when I first started my account,@JasikaIsTryCurious, about 6 years ago, and pretty quickly I garnered an amazing following of like-minded makers and creatives. I am inspired daily by the (mostly) women that I follow on IG and I feel so lucky to have immersed myself in the online sewing and making community.



How do you stay humble?

“ By reminding myself I am not special! Or rather, reminding myself that I*am* special, and so is everyone else on this planet.” We all have value. We all have dreams and fears and goals and struggles and wins and losses. When you feel connected to the universe and connected to yourself, it’s easy to see how none of us are more important than anyone else. It’s not us as individuals who will live forever, it’s what we put out into the world, the actions we take and the ideas that we leave behind, which I believe is all a part of collective consciousness. 




Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Alive, healthy, and hopefully with a new deck in our backyard. I wouldn’t mind having some published fiction under my belt too!



Who is your ideal co-star for your next project?

If I could work with Freddie Highmore forever, I would. So instead I will say that my ideal co-star is down to earth, thoughtful, self-aware, and fun to be around. Unfortunately, the bar is pretty low for actors in Hollywood and I have been spoiled working on The Good Doctor!



Do you have any other projects you’d like to mention?

I am recording two new YA audiobooks this spring and I am so excited for them to get out into the world!