Cover Stories

Actress Victoria Konefal of Days of our Lives

Actress Victoria Konefal of Days of our Lives

Photographer: Chris Cruz

Hair: Tami Yi

Makeup: Karissa Symmons


Victoria Konefal has portrayed the role of Ciara Brady on the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives since 2017.



    I am happy to have an interview with young Hollywood stars such as Victoria Konefal.  Who I know will go on to be bigger and better as the years go on.



How did you decide to work on a soap opera versus a TV show on one of the hot streaming networks such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon?

I like the challenge of a soap opera. I’m enjoying my time on Days of Our Lives and waiting for the right role to come along from one of those networks. 


What is the best thing about your job?

The learning experience that comes along with it! We pump out so much material in such a short amount of time and it takes a certain skill set to be able to keep up. I always refer to set as “acting boot camp” because it really forces you to bring it. It’s all or nothing. 


How different are you in real life from your character? How are you similar?

I’d say we are similar in that we both have strong family values. We are also both very determined. When we have a goal in mind, there is little to nothing that can stop us. One of our differences is that Ciara rides a motorcycle fearlessly and I’ve only ever ridden on the back of a Vespa. 


What are the craziest things a fan has said or written to you?

The craziest thing about my fans is their undying love for the show and for the character, which is something I appreciate wholeheartedly. It’s a trip to read their notes and letters. They pay so much attention to every little beat on the show. Recently, the #CIN fans sent me a bag full of bobcat toys/apparel because Ciara was once told that she had more fight in her than a bagful of bobcats. They are so thoughtful about the little details like that. I’m truly blessed to have them. 

What other talents or hobbies do you have besides being a fabulous actress?

Well, first of all, thank you for the compliment! I appreciate it. In terms of my hobbies, they’re never-ending. I love learning new things.  I take dance classes every week, as well as kickboxing every chance I get. I also love playing sports like basketball, softball, and golf! Music is one of my biggest passions, but it’s more of a secret passion that I do for myself. I sing and write songs occasionally. Recently, I’ve been teaching myself how to play the piano! I’m not very good yet but that will change soon. I also love gardening, but I don’t seem to have the green thumb because my plants always end up dying.



What is your skincare routine?

Recently my skin has been breaking out and my dermatologists can’t figure out what the problem is, so I’ve been using a variety of medicated serums they’ve provided for me. On a regular month when my skin is behaving normally, I like to stay as natural as possible. Drinking plenty of water is key to healthy skin. I keep it simple with a witch hazel/rose water toner, vitamin C serum and a light moisturizer that bodes well for sensitive skin. Sometimes I’ll use coconut oil for extra moisture when my skin is feeling dry. Makeup removal is a step that I take seriously, I wash it off the first chance I get. I use a Neutrogena makeup removal wipe, followed by washing my face with my Clarisonic Mia brush, then follow up with the rest of my routine. 


Do you watch any TV yourself? If so what’s your favorite TV show?

I barely have time to watch TV, and when I do it is usually re-runs of Friends or The Office for a guaranteed laugh. I can watch those shows over and over and laugh as hard as I did the first time! In terms of new shows though, I recently watched The Umbrella Academy and I loved it! 


Can you tell us anything about what is to come on Days of our Lives?

A lot of love in Ciara’s life, that’s for sure. Things are going to start heating up pretty soon, and I can’t wait for the fans to see what happens. 


Do you have any other projects we can look out for?

Right now, I’m focusing on Days of Our Lives! 


Do you do any meet and greets? If so, where can fans see you this year?

I’m going to Montreal on June 1st for a karaoke/dance party meet and greet! Other than that, we have an annual “Day of Days” event that takes place at Universal City every November. It’s our biggest fan event of the year.