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Its All About The Vibes Natasha Slayton covers Ouch! Magazine®

Its All About The Vibes Natasha Slayton covers Ouch! Magazine®

Natasha Slayton  Ouch Magazine Feb. 2022


Coming off of her success with multi-platinum selling girl band G.R.L. - Natasha Slayton has just released her first solo debut. “Love Me Like Me”. an empowering and uplifting song about rediscovering your true self and the power we all have within. 





Photographer  Maddie Cordoba -  @maddiecordoba /PR: 13 Publicity 

Ouch! Magazine Editor: Rhonda McKnight @ouchmagaizneny

Wardrobe provided by  @missguided  

Bracelets by The Little Words Project 


Whats your signature  music style? Whats your personal style?

I would say my signature music style is pop with hints of R&B. I tend to go for themes of empowerment and upliftment with a bit of sass sprinkled in from time to time. I don’t always get to dress up the way I want to, but in regard to my personal fashion style, there are so many keywords that come to mind. If you mixed old Hollywood, bondgirl, showgirl, pinup, 90s Guess Model, Ellen Von Unwerth and the Pussycat Dolls altogether (amongst a bunch of other things), you’d get an idea of what I see in my mind for myself. I’ve been actively working on showcasing my personality through my clothes more often. 


 How long have you been dancing and singing and are you also a songwriter? If so whats your favorite song you’ve written?

I’ve literally been dancing and singing since I started walking and talking. They’ve both always been such a huge part of me. I’ve been taking dance classes since preschool and singing/music lessons since I was 9. I’ve also been writing songs since I was 9. I was actually writing a lot more before I joined GRL but have been working on exercising that muscle again over the past few years. My favorite song I’ve ever written is my most current release, “Love Me Like Me”. It’s a perfect testament to all the tough things I’ve been through and the way I’ve come out the other end, having transmuted all of the seemingly negative experiences into opportunities for healing and growth. I’m really proud of that song. 


 Who or what inspires you?

It might sound cheesy, but I really get my inspiration from everywhere. I often feel like I look at the world through the eyes of a child, actively working to keep that magic and wonderment in my spirit. 


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What do you call your fans and why? When you were younger who were you a fan of?

My fans naturally started calling themselves “Slayers” because of my last name, and I love that so much because my childhood hero was Buffy the Vampire Slayer! She was so strong and powerful, despite being small and super feminine. The name they chose literally could not have been more perfect to me. Plus, I have somewhat of an alter ego when I perform, and I feel like she is usually in “slay” mode - or at least she tries to be - so it just fits. 


How was it to be in an all girl band and are your still together?

Growing up, I dreamt of being a Spice Girl and a Pussycat Doll, so being in GRL has always felt like a dream come true in so many ways. We’ve gotten to work with so many incredible people in the industry that I’ve looked up to for so long, and I feel so insanely lucky. Just like with everything, there are ups and downs, but we were really fortunate to end up in a group of girls who all love each other so much. We’ve been a family since day one and being able to have each other through all of life’s ups and downs has been such a gift.  


What do you think makes you sound different form others? Who would you say is similar ?

Hmmm that’s a tough question! I feel like every artist has something unique to bring to the table. I’d say my story and journey through this life are what makes me sound different from others. Vocally, I’ve been told I sound similar to JoJo and Christina Aguilera, which is a huge compliment to me because they are both artists I admire so much. 


When is your full album coming out and do you have any live shows set for 2022?

Oh man I wish I could say an album is coming soon! I’m definitely working on new songs, but it’s been tough to work on music without a full budget, especially during a pandemic. I’m working on it, though!

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Whats your beauty or workout routine like in a day?

I truly believe in the concept of “as within, so without," so I take pride in taking care of my skin and body and giving myself that extra tlc. I strive to I use all natural, vegan and cruelty-free products. It’s important to me that I use products that have natural ingredients because our skin is transdermal and everything we put on our skin goes directly into our bloodstream. I also love to support companies that care about their consumers, animals and the environment. 

My workout routine is pretty intense, but always exciting so that I never burn out or plateau. On average, I take about 3-5 dance classes and 3-5 pole classes a week. I also like to mix in 3-5 stair-master/weightlifting classes for an extra dose of lower body strengthening and booty contouring. Other than that, I also stretch at home and take my dogs on walks and try to take hikes in nature. 


How can fans reach out to you via social media?

My IG is @natashaslayton. That’s definitely my favorite social platform and best way to reach me. The fans have been so supportive over the years, I try my best to respond to as many comments and DMs as possible. 


 Any other projects we should mark down for 2022-2023?

Yes,! I’m currently in production for a podcast I’m creating and planning to release this spring. I’m in school for Ayurvedic medicine, and I’m very into spirituality and holistic healing, so the podcast will be based around that. And OF COURSE I’m still working on music as well as gearing up to release my new single “Boyfriend”!