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She’s Back! One of the sexiest women in the world Tia Carrere

She’s Back! One of the sexiest women in the world Tia Carrere

She’s Back! One of the sexiest women in the world Tia Carrere






Photographer: Simon Wakelin

Interview  @ouchmagazine


Why did you select to be part of this TV show?

It looks like so much fun to tape. With the amazing people involved, how could I not?! I just love RuPaul and all he stands for, and I am a big fan of all the Sex & the City shows/movies so I was super excited to work with Michael Patrick King. 

What's the funniest moment you can recall while taping?

Gosh, there are so many and they mostly involve Josh Segarra because we worked together almost all of the time. There was one scene where I was supposed to spit out a cough drop and somehow I hit him right in the middle of his forehead. Super funny but I was totally embarrassed and felt bad. Have you worked with RuPaul before? I’d never worked with Ru before but subsequently, I did his podcast and had the best time. He’s so easy to talk to and a real deep thinker as am I. And I loved that I made him laugh so hard! You gotta listen to it, absolutely delightful.

Have you worked with RuPaul before?

I’d never worked with Ru before but subsequently, I did his podcast and had the best time. He’s so easy to talk to and a real deep thinker as am I. And I loved that I made him laugh so hard! You gotta listen to it, absolutely delightful.

What role do you play in this show? 

I play the character of Lady Danger and I think her name says it all. She’s camp and can be funny, but she’s dangerous as well!

You are an iconic beauty and actress. How do you think today's tv and movie business is better or worst then when you first started? 

Thank you for the nice compliment :-) Well, the business has changed so much since I started. Being a pretty girl coming up in the movie business has been all about navigating some treacherous waters as far as predators are concerned, but women are much more emboldened today to speak up when someone tries to take advantage of them and that is a great thing. It’s a safer business for women because of this.

Also, there are more women and women of ethnicity in power positions in the business so that makes it easier for the casting and hiring of more diverse women, whereas it was more of a good old boys club when I was just breaking into the business.


How do you reinvent yourself? 

I don’t consciously reinvent. I think it’s more about going with the natural flow of life, going with what you love. I was very much out and about and ‘in the scene’ when I was working on my career. Since I’ve become a mother, I’ve become more focused on what’s truly fulfilling for me and that has been enjoying my role as a mother, PTA member, Girl Scout troop leader, chaperone ;-) I still work too but I make sure I’m able to give my undivided attention to my family. I prioritize that because it is precious to me.

What's your health or beauty routine? 

I’m pretty moderate with everything, but I am a big believer in drinking lots of water-I carry around a 40oz. jug with me everywhere and I usually drink 60-80oz a day. I take a women’s multivitamin daily. And I try to sleep 8 hours a night. Simple but  it's effective.

What else can we expect to see from you in 2020 and even 2021? 

I really don’t know, other than I hope AJ & THE QUEEN gets picked up for a second season and I will be going out and singing life again. I haven’t done it really since I won my Grammy Awards for Hawaiian music. I am looking to try out a different style of music-more torchy and chill with piano, cello, violin, percussion in the English language. Some stuff I’ve written as well as a few cool cover mashups.

Are you on social media? If so do you read and answer comments?

I have FB but hardly use it I’m afraid… I like Insta and that is connected to Twitter. I’ll usually like it when people say nice things and respond to people I know. Once in awhile, I’ll respond to someone I don’t know if they spark my interest. 

Have you ever thought of making a YouTube channel like so many other celebrities now? 

I had thought about that many years ago. Maybe I should have done it, but it feels like I’d be putting my energy into another job when I already have a job. And I like to have space and time for my family. I have worked in this business for a long time and I feel I deserve to relax and enjoy my time with my loved ones. For me, success isn’t always climbing and achieving. It is earning yourself the freedom to choose how and with whom you spend your time.