Cover Stories

The Power of Podcasting: Insights from Morgan Willett

The Power of Podcasting: Insights from Morgan Willett

Ouch Magazine Cover Issue starring Podcast Host Morgan Willett. She talks about her massive online community and what's next in her 30s.


After your public heartbreak in 2021, what were some of the key lessons you learned about yourself during that challenging time?

I learned so much from that time in my life, and while it felt impossible in the moment, I truly came to understand that time does heal all wounds and that everything happens for a reason. Looking back, I hardly recognize the person I was then. While going through heartbreak is never enjoyable, it’s often necessary for growth, helping you emerge on the other side even stronger.

Some key lessons I took away were to speak up and use my voice. If something happens to you, you are allowed to share your story. I remember being terrified to talk about how I was mistreated in my relationship, but experiencing such a public breakup taught me that vulnerability can be a source of strength. By sharing my story, I’ve been able to help other women leave toxic situations.

Beyond that, I learned the value of therapy, self-care, and leaning on family and friends for support. You are never alone!


How did relocating to Nashville influence your personal and professional growth?

I think my move to Nashville allowed me to reconnect with my southern roots and feel more like myself compared to when I was living in Los Angeles. Moving to a new city is always intimidating, but this experience showed me that change can often be a good thing—you just have to be willing to take a leap of faith.

In terms of my professional growth, I’ve met some of the most influential and amazing people here in Nashville. This city has such a kind, welcoming atmosphere, and everyone is eager to lend a helping hand—very different from L.A. It’s more of a “small-town” big-city vibe, which has allowed me to make meaningful connections and advance my career. Since moving, I’ve started a podcast, starred in a country music video, and is about to report on the red carpet at the CMA Awards—all thanks to my decision to move to Nashville!

The Power of Podcasting: Insights from Morgan Willett

You mentioned building a community of supportive fans online. How has their support impacted your healing process?

My community means the world to me. I truly wouldn’t be able to do what I do without the support of my “internet best friends,” who consistently uplift me. Opening yourself up online can be scary, and you have to develop thick skin quickly if you want to pursue an online career. Fortunately, I have an amazing audience that makes me feel comfortable and confident being myself.

Sharing my story allowed me to heal, and I wouldn’t have been able to do that without the people who reached out, sent me messages, and offered words of encouragement. Because my community has supported me, I’ve been able to help others in return!

What inspired you to start your own podcast and how has the podcast evolved since its launch?

I was inspired to start my podcast because I had so many wild and outlandish stories to share! I’ve always been open about pretty much everything on my social media platforms, and my audience suggested starting a podcast to share these stories and thoughts in a more long-form, storytelling format.

Since the podcast launched, I’ve transitioned from my 20s into my 30s. Growing up on the internet, you can see my evolution through the podcast. It now has a more mature tone, and I even rebranded it to reflect that growth. It’s been a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to change, evolve, or rebrand!

What’s one of the most surprising or unexpected stories you’ve shared on your podcast that resonated with your audience?

People absolutely love a wild party story, so I shared the adventure of my 30th birthday in Las Vegas. The night included losing my ID at the club, crying into my birthday cake, doing a total 180 to party until 7 a.m., canceling my flight, and flying home early the next morning—completely skipping my birthday brunch.

It turns out the majority of people have had similar experiences in Vegas! It was hilarious reading all the messages from my listeners sharing their own "hot mess express" stories. What happens in Vegas definitely doesn’t stay in Vegas—it ends up on a podcast!

How do you balance sharing your personal experiences while ensuring your audience feels included in the conversation?

I always try to connect my personal experiences to some kind of takeaway or learning moment, whether it’s a lesson from a breakup, a travel adventure, or a funny dating story. While I love sharing about my life, I always aim to make it relatable to my audience.

I’m passionate about mindfulness and the power of sharing stories to help people feel less alone. In every episode, I make it a point to share what I’ve learned from my wild experiences because I know someone out there is probably going through something similar. I’ve found that this approach builds trust with my audience and makes them feel genuinely included in the conversation.

As someone in their 30s, what are some of the biggest changes you’re looking forward to this year?

I am really looking forward to simply not caring! Everyone told me that once you hit 30, you care less about what others think and focus more on doing what truly aligns with YOU. I’ve already started to feel that, and it’s been so freeing to own who I am and what I want to do.

I’ve been calling this my "selfish" era, where I’m no longer living to please others. I’m excited to keep forging my own path, unapologetically, even if it looks different from everyone else’s!

Can you share some specific habits or mindsets you’re working to change?

Right now, I’m really working on changing my mindset around needing to have all the answers and trying to control every outcome. As a single, 30-year-old woman without children, I often feel immense pressure to "figure out my life" and follow the path everyone else seems to be on. Instead, I want to focus on enjoying my life and stop putting so much pressure on meeting these societal norms that so many women feel compelled to follow.

I don’t have all the answers, and I have no idea what my future holds. Instead, I’m working on building the habit of living fully in the moment. If you’re constantly worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, you miss the beauty of the present.

How do you navigate societal expectations around relationships and marriage, especially when it feels like everyone else is moving forward?

“Something I always remind myself is that someone else can’t truly love you until you completely love yourself—and to never settle out of fear that nothing better will come along. While I do feel the pressure sometimes, especially as I watch my friends get married and start families.”

I’ve come to understand that my timeline is different from theirs, and that’s totally okay.

Following someone else’s fairytale doesn’t guarantee your own happy ending. Anytime I feel that pressure, I remind myself that I’m living the life I genuinely want. And if I’m struggling to shift my mindset, I just hop on a flight and go somewhere. That’s the beauty of being on your own—you can do whatever you want!

What does self-discovery look like for you, and how do you embrace it amidst the pressures of adulthood?

Self-discovery means being okay with change, embracing the "messy middle" of life, and sitting with the uncomfortable moments. With change comes growth, and the most important thing to me is to avoid becoming stagnant. You’re not meant to stay the same your entire life!

I try to embrace this mindset through journaling and writing. I keep journals throughout the year so I can look back and reflect on how much I’ve grown. I still have journals from when I was 25, and it’s amazing to compare those words to the ones I’m writing now as a 30-year-old.

What message do you want to share with those who might feel lost or alone in their 20s and 30s?

You don’t have to have it all figured out. In fact, no matter how old you are, you’ll never have everything totally figured out. Instead, embrace the journey you’re on. Stop seeking the "answers" and focus on the life lessons instead!

Looking ahead, what are some personal goals you hope to achieve in this new decade of your life?

I’d love to continue growing my brand, my career, and my audience as I enter this new decade! It’s taken me 30 years, but I now confidently know exactly who I am, and I’m ready to share that with the world.