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Why Aren’t Your Customers Buying from Your Fashion Site? What Can you Do About It?

Why Aren’t Your Customers Buying from Your Fashion Site? What Can you Do About It?

ou are concerned because your customers aren’t buying as much as they once did, then you are not alone. So many business owners are in the same situation as you are, but there are some things that you can do to try and turn things around. Ready to take that next step? Then this is the guide for you.

Your Customers Want the Best Price

Customers don’t always stop to think about whether or not the price of a clothing item is fair before they buy. Most customers simply want the lowest possible price they can get. If you want to do something about this then you need to put yourself in the shoes of your customers. If you want to work around this then you need to make your customers believe that they are getting good value, and there are many ways to do this. It may be that you offer a voucher or even a discount code. The great thing about this is that you can monitor the use of the code, and you can also run promotions like this over certain times of the year. This is the best way for you to supplement a slow sales cycle so be mindful of this if you can.


Lack of Overall Value

This is one of the more rational reasons why a customer may choose not to buy a particular product. They may feel as though the price that they are paying does not reflect the product that they are receiving. It is very difficult for you to overcome this hurdle if you do not lower your prices, or improve your product. All in all, you need to take a good long look at your pricing model and you also need to make sure that your items aren’t more expensive than they should be. If you can do this then you will soon find that things work in your favor.

The Value isn’t Clear

If you do not offer value to your customer then there is a high chance that they will not buy from you at all. You have to make the effort to learn what it is your customer needs from you, and you also need to make sure that you are meeting them with the product you are selling. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is easier for you to turn things around.

You’re Not Targeting the Right Buyer

This is a fatal mistake when it comes to marketing. A lot of fashion companies find that they are always pushing new products, but at the same time, they don’t have a particular persona who they want to market to. In the end, you have to do what you can to know who it is you are trying to target so you can then make the best decisions for your campaign. If you are having a hard time knowing who your target audience is then this is understandable, so take the time to sit back and look at your unique selling point. What makes your company stand out? Why do people choose your fashion item over your competitor’s? From there you can then find out who it is you should be targeting.

Too Many Decision-Makers

Fashion work is often collaborative in nature. When it comes to making decisions, you may find that you have more than one person working with you to make things happen. Depending on the overall nature of your product, you may find that you have too many people reviewing your content at different stages of the process and this can stop you from being able to make quality decisions at speed. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you do what you can to take note of who you are working with and why. You can then make sure that you do not have too many people involved with your process.

Lack of Urgency

It may also be that you do not have any urgency when it comes to your offers. If you do not make the offer feel urgent then your customers may not feel the need to buy from you right now, and this can work against you in terms of your sales. If you can, it is imperative that you take the time to highlight the benefits of your product so you can see if it is possible for you to improve the lives of your customers. Revise your product page, your marketing material and more. Ensuring that your copywriting is persuasive enough is also so important because it will help you to push your customers into buying right now, rather than holding off.

Too Many Solutions

Another reason why your customers may not be buying from you is that they cannot make a quick decision in regard to what the best solution is for them. Sales may be hanging in limbo to the point where you eventually end up having to move on to another lead. If you want to do something about this then you have to make sure that your solutions are clear-cut and that you are not bombarding your customers with options. Having a tier system is a very good option here as it allows your customers to see what the best option is, as well as the cheapest one. By adopting a tier system for your products, you can also make it very easy for people to compare the options that they have to choose from and this can simplify the buying process more than you realize.

Getting Customers to Buy your Product- What Can you Do?

If you want to make sure that your customers are buying from you as much as possible then one thing that you can do is try and admit that you have competitors. Some vendors try and bad mouth other companies by highlighting the strengths of their products while putting down the leading product on the market. If possible, you need to avoid doing this. The main reason is that your customers will see right through you and you may even find that you look desperate as a result. Take the time to legitimately market your product and then go from there.

Simplify the Process

If you want your customers to buy from you then you have to do what you can to try and simplify the process of buying. If you are forcing your customers to go through a huge checkout process whenever they buy from you then this can demotivate them and it can also make it much more difficult for them to see the value in buying from you. Make sure that you are not adding extra steps and also don’t ask for more information than you need.  Sure, having your customers’ date of birth or even their phone number can be convenient for marketing purposes, but it is not essential for the purchase itself. If you ask for too much, or if your customer becomes phased with the number of forms that they have to fill out just to buy from you then this is the best way for you to encourage them to go to your competitor.

Better your Customer Service

Another thing that you can do is try and do what you can to better your customer service team. You need to make it so that your customers always know who to turn to when it comes to getting their issues resolved. If you can, adopt a support ticket system as this ensures that any emails can be followed up, and it also means that it is much easier for your team to see who is dealing with which customer. If you want to take things to the next level then another thing you can do is try and look into the best online support chat for website use. If you can do this then you will soon find that you can deal with your customers in real time and that you are also able to give them the instant support they need. Little things like this can mean the difference between you missing out on a sale, and not.

Of course, there are many things that you can do to try and make the most out of the sales you make. Ultimately, it comes down to you recognizing your mistakes and then taking active steps to try and correct them. If you are having a hard time seeing where your company is going wrong then hiring a third party to do an audit of your site is the way to go. When you do, you can then highlight any issues that you may not be aware of. Why not see if any of the above changes could work for you today, while also actively taking steps to ensure that your customers are being looked after from the moment they get in touch with you? It’s never been easier for you to turn things around.


Too Many Decision-Makers

Fashion work is often collaborative in nature. When it comes to making decisions, you may find that you have more than one person working with you to make things happen. Depending on the overall nature of your product such as engagement rings, you may find that you have too many people reviewing your content at different stages of the process and this can stop you from being able to make quality decisions at speed. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you do what you can to take note of who you are working with and why. You can then make sure that you do not have too many people involved with your process.

They Don’t Trust your Site

Another reason why your customers aren’t buying from your fashion site is because they don’t trust it. There are many ways to increase the trust that people have in you, with trade shows or conferences being a good way to raise awareness of your brand. If you lack the tech to host something like this, remember, you can rent a MacBook Pro online.