One to Watch Katherine Castro

One to Watch Katherine Castro 2019

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How long have you been an actress? Have you always wanted to be an actor?

I've been an actor for about 20 years. The acting wasn't my first desire. It came to me through dancing and performing on stage. When my dance teacher played "Singing in the Rain", "Easter Parade," and other film classics for me, as inspiration for a dance routine, I discovered acting. Right at that moment, I knew I wanted to be an actor. 
What is the most recent acting role that you're super proud of and why?

I'm very proud of Someday. It's a story with a lot of heart and anyone can relate to it. Everyone that has seen it gets pulled in and fully immersed in the story. I've received so many messages from people telling me how they've had a similar experience, their own conclusions of the ending or saying they can't wait to see what happens next and I think as an actress and a filmmaker you want your audience to see themselves reflected in the movies we make. To have them talking about it. To make them feel something. That's special. 
Who is your inspiration or what inspires you?
Sometimes I get inspiration in dreams but also am inspired by life.  Whether it's my personal experience or otherwise, there are so many exciting and compelling stories of everyday life that can be and need to be, told.   

Where do you call home? A place where you feel free to be you totally?

At my home in West Hollywood.

Can you cook? What is your favorite dish you can’t live without?
Yes, I can, and I do cook! I can't say I have a favorite dish I can't live without but when I crave Dominican food, I love making mangú (smashed plantains), moro de habichuelas (rice and beans mixed and cooked together), and the concón (the crispy rice). Fried sweet plantain...  I just love Dominican food, but the two things I can't live without and have every day are avocado and my homemade café con leche. I make the best coffee! :)
How do you stay in shape? What’s your routine?

I do Pilates, cardio at the gym, trampoline jumping and I've recently incorporated boxing. It's so much fun, and you get a full body workout!
Same question on your beauty routine. What is your skincare routine?

With skin it's different. I have the basics of course: cleanser, vitamin C and Hyaluronic acid serums, collagen masks. I'm loving the oil moisturizers especially at night but what really makes a difference for me are the skin treatments. My absolute favorite right now are PRP/ Micro-needling, clear & brilliant laser and radiofrequency. 



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How do you feel about social media and do you answer your own platforms?

I like social media although I'm not on it every day. I love taking breaks from it, but I think It's a great tool to share your work and connect with your fans and peers. It's also a fantastic medium to bring awareness of issues we are concerned about. It's an open mic to the world. I've made new wonderful friends that, had it not been because of social media, we probably would've never met. That being said, I don't share every single aspect of my life. I think some things are best kept to oneself. My approach is moderation, have fun with it and not take it too seriously, and, yes, I do answer and post to my own platforms. 
What projects do you have lined up for 2019?

I have a few projects lined up which I will share later, but it's already looking like it's going to be an exciting year!
Where can fans reach out to you or do you have any side projects to share as well?
Fans can find me on IG and FB @Officialkatherinecastro and @katcastroo on Twitter and my website
I was so lucky to be a part of the audio series America 2.0 co-written and directed by my Someday director J S Mayank, starring Patrick J Adams, Laurence Fishburne, Kate Walsh, Spencer Garrett, and other incredibly talented actors. It's smart, compelling and a real treat to the ears. It's available on all major podcast platforms.