Photographer Forrest Leo
What's the process for a part in a tv series? Did you have to do a number of callbacks?
It really varies! It can be a last-minute self-tape that casting will book off of or an audition, then callback, then director’s session, then screen test. Typically, the bigger the part, the lengthier the process.
What were your thoughts after reading the script? How different are you from your character?
There’s usually a tiny bit of me in them, but I’m pretty different from all the characters I’ve played. Reading the script is one of my favorite parts of the process! I love seeing everything come to life in my head as I’m reading it.

What's the hardest thing about working on the show and the easiest?
The hardest thing about working in television I’d say is how quickly everything can change. You may get a re-write or new pages on the day of shooting, with not much time to prepare. My favorite parts are seeing everything come together: lights, wardrobe, direction, sets. When it all comes together to create that perfect moment.
Being a black American in today's world, have you experienced any racial basis?
Definitely! But it’s gotten better, and I expect it to only get better.
Do you think 2021 will be the year for black business?
It’s hard to say. With the pandemic and the recession, it seems like a hard time for all businesses. Here’s hoping though!
On to something fun. What’s your beauty routine like?
It definitely ranges! I like to use minimal products in the morning, under my makeup, so I don’t feel heavy on my face all day. But in the evening my routine is pretty extensive. Cleanser, toner, moisturizer, serums, oils, eye cream, lip balm. I use a jade ice roller to de-puff or a Gua Sha. Too many steps!
How do you stay grounded?
My inner circle of friends and family really help keep me grounded. So does working out and taking the focus off of myself.

What inspires you in life?
People and the pursuit of happiness!
What's the worst thing about social media?
Just the general anxiety of it all. What to post, what not to post. Hoping you don’t offend anyone, but wanting to show a healthy balance of your personal and professional life. Editing your pictures for fun, but then feeling responsible for perpetuating a standard of beauty that shouldn’t exist and feeling guilty about that. I could go on forever.
Where can fans follow your social media and your projects?
You can follow me on Instagram @madisonshamoun