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Samantha Aucoin stars in “Astrid & Lilly Save the World” on Syfy

Samantha Aucoin stars in “Astrid & Lilly Save the World” on Syfy

Samantha Aucoin stars in  “Astrid & Lilly Save the World” on Syfy/1


Photographer Raen Badua

“Astrid & Lilly Save the World” is a show is for anyone who ever felt like they didn’t belong, which, as it turns out, is everyone. Themes include friendship and trust, growing up, self-acceptance, finding yourself, and nostalgia of adolescence and pop culture.


Samantha Aucoin stars in  “Astrid & Lilly Save the World” on Syfy/4

“Astrid & Lilly Save the World” follows high school outcast BFFs Astrid and Lilly, who accidentally crack open a portal to a terrifyingly quirky monster dimension – making high school even more complicated. It's up to them to vanquish the creepy creatures and save the world, becoming the badass heroes they were meant to be. That is, if they can survive the horrors of high school. 

The show "Astrid & Lilly Save the World" on SYFY looks like a funny iconic series. Where did you film this?

Thank you!! The show was a lot of fun to film. We were based out of St. John’s, Newfoundland which was such a beautiful island to be on for the four months. I had never been before but I fell in love with the place soon after I arrived.


Ouch! Magazine is a big Syfy supporter. This gives me an updated Bill & Ted vibe. How do you feel this provides a current feel but still retro?

The show definitely has its many 90’s references to either Buffy, or the music from that era, but it still keeps this current vibe with all of its relevant subject matter.


What was the vibe on set like? It looked like a ton of fun?

The dynamic between the cast and the crew was so positive and close knit! It made for such a warm and welcoming environment and everyone just got along so well. I’m still great friends with a lot of the people I got to work with on set.,


Were you a model before? How different is acting to modeling? Which do you prefer? Do you have any other hidden talents?

I had never modeled before the show and it was a big learning curve for me. I ended up really enjoying the photo shoots I’ve been able to do since the show has aired and would love to continue with a modeling career in the future. I do feel that I’m much more comfortable acting but I’m excited for my future in modeling! I do have a huge passion for singing and songwriting as well and I hope to be releasing music sometime this year. 


What's your beauty routine like?

I’m obsessed with all things skin care! My morning and night routine is as follows: 

  • Cleanse with Eminence calming cleanser 
  • Micellar Water
  • Eminence Clear Skin Serum 
  • Mario Badescu Drying Lotion for any blemishes 
  • Florence eye patches 
  • Tea-Tree anti-imperfection solution 
  • Mad Hippie antioxidant facial oil 
  • Eminence stone crop hydrating mist 


Samantha Aucoin stars in  “Astrid & Lilly Save the World” on Syfy/2

How do you stay humble and inspired? What inspires you in life?

My parents have always been my rocks and they definitely keep me grounded in everything that I do. 

Do you have any other projects you care to mention for your fans?

I will hopefully be releasing an EP sometime this year! I hosted the SXSW Gaming Awards this year, it aired on March 12th 2022!!”


How can fans follow and support you via social media and or live?

You can follow me on my social platforms!

Instagram - @samanthaaucoin

Twitter - @SamanthaAucoin_