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Kid |Teen Entertainers

What is Young Hollywood and How Does it Work with Samantha Blaire Cutler

What is Young Hollywood and How Does it Work with Samantha Blaire Cutler

Photographer Matt Matias Tenaglia
Multitalented actor, singer and dancer, Samantha Blaire Cutler, from the much anticipated Ryan Murphy new series, The Watcher and STARZ! number one series, Ghost: Power Book II.    
Hi Samantha! How are you doing? Wow your bio is very diverse. So you are an actor, singer, dancer. Which one comes more naturally and which one do you feel you have to work harder to achieve?
I’m doing well thank you for asking, lots of growth, coming into my own, and gratitude this year. I was making up stories, songs, and dances before I had any training so I guess I’ve always had a knack for performing. Even though I began with dance and musicality always came naturally to me, I definitely had to work on the endurance and physical pressure put on your body as a professional dancer. I’ve always had a love for music, from harmonizing to accompanying myself on the piano, and I’ll always continue exploring my musical side. While I grew up mainly in theater, I’ve fallen in love with acting for film and television and have found such a passion for continuing to grow and stretch myself as an artist through this medium.    
What is your favorite song to dance to? What's your favorite song ever written? It’s really difficult for me to pick a favorite song because it changes every day and with my mood, but I love to put  Lovely Day by Bill Withers on in the morning and dance around to get my energy up for the day. I love J Cole’s Wet Dreamz for its lyricism and storytelling. Billie Eilish is high up on that list too, especially her two newest songs. 
 You are a New Yorker where ouch! magazine is currently based. Tell me what's your favorite pastime to do in New York City? Walking. I know it may sound simple, but taking long walks, especially by the river,  and listening to music at a very high volume is therapy for my soul.  
You graduated with honors at the The Professional Children's School in New York City. How was this experience and what did you take away from attending this school? Going to PCS was definitely interesting and non-traditional for middle and high school, but I am very grateful for my time there because they allowed me and my fellow students to pursue our professional careers while working towards graduating from school. I was homeschooled for three years on tour so going to a “normal” school and having that in-person, social experience was important for my growth.  
Moving on to your current projects. The Watcher!  What is your role in this new series?
I had the great pleasure of playing Patricia “Pat” Graff of the disturbed Graff family on Netflix and Ryan Murphy’s new series, The Watcher. Pat is a teenage girl who thinks she knows everything and wants nothing to do with her parents. Her inappropriate escapades anger and stress out her father John (on top of the letters he is receiving from the Watcher) and put her family in danger, unbeknownst to Pat.  
 You play Becca Weston on the hit STARZ! Series, Ghost: Power Book ll is in its 3rd season. Can you offer any spoilers  for season 3?
I can’t say too much, but I am very excited to be back for season 3! I haven’t had the opportunity to play a character as long as I have Becca so it’s fulfilling as an actor to be able to do that. Becca comes from a world of extreme wealth and privilege, but this newest season, I got to explore her journey towards independence and all that comes with young adulthood. Similar to her brother Brayden, Becca craves a life of her own outside the family name and I can’t wait for people to see more of her this season.   Did you enjoy touring on Broadway at such a young age? What lessons did you learn by touring with Billy Elliot the Musical ? Touring with a Broadway show as a child felt like a dream come true. Of course it was a lot of hard work and adult responsibilities were placed on me at a young age, but to make a living and travel to new places all while doing what I love was an insane experience for which I am very grateful. The show was quite dance heavy, plus performing eight times a week in up to four cities a month taught me discipline and the importance of stamina, (and taking care of yourself so you can perform to the best of your abilities!) But I am most appreciative of the doors this opportunity opened for me. I was just a girl from Kentucky who went to an open call and because of this experience, I was able to move to New York after the tour concluded to continue pursuing this career. I’d like to think I’d still be performing even if I didn’t go on tour, but the life I lead professionally and personally is heavily shaped by this time in my life.   How do you plan on spending the holidays this year? I haven’t decided on the December holidays this year yet, but I will be visiting my brother for Thanksgiving in Seattle this year, which I am highly looking forward to!      
Do you enjoy receiving gifts or giving them?
I love receiving gifts, but I enjoy receiving them how I give them so I think giving is my favorite ;). I like giving gifts that have a deeper meaning to them. Especially when I know the person, I really appreciate the sentimentality behind picking something out that reminds me of them in some way. I am horrible at keeping gifts as a surprise because I get so excited to see the person receive them. 




Do you have any other projects you care to share for 2023?
Again I can’t say much, but be on the lookout for season three of Ghost! I know everyone has been waiting for it to come out and I can’t wait for them to see all the hard work each cast and crew member put in to raise the stakes this season. It’s Power, so you know you’re in for a wild ride!