
Move over here come Devin Kennedy Music

Move over here come Devin Kennedy Music

1. Where did you get your sound from or who and or  what inspires your music?

 I grew up listening to rock/pop-punk music. Through middle school and high school I was heavily influenced by bands like All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, We The Kings, My Chem and many more. As I grew up I got into artists like John Mayer and Mike Posner. I went to music school for production and business, and fell in love with pop music through my college years. So I guess the short answer is, my whole musical upbringing really shaped my sound. I was always around music growing up. A lot of my family was involved in music, including my dad, My family, friends and life experiences shape my music. I have to find truth in whatever I'm writing about. If I don't believe/feel what I'm writing, then I don't think that anyone else will. 

2. How long have you been an artist?

I released my first Devin Kennedy song in January of 2018 and I've had an amazing couple of years finding my sound and message as an artist. Before my solo music I was in and out of pop/rock bands. 

3. Do you write your own songs?

Yes, and produce. I'm also very lucky to have some amazing collaborators that I work with on my music. I spend a lot of time writing and producing for others as well. 

6. If you are single. What's your type? :)

7. What is your personal fashion style? What fashion trend have you seen musician wear that you would never?

Black jeans and Vans almost 100% of the time. I've been told that I dress very "California". A lot of flannels/button down shirts and leather jackets. I will generally ignore the temperature and wear jeans and a jacket during the summer. 

I once saw Fall Out Boy at The Roxy in LA and Pete Wentz wore a leather skirt. I love Pete Wentz but I don't think that's my vibe unfortunately. 

8. Do you have any festivals or live performance tours planned?
I have some show in LA/NYC coming up in October, and some scattered dates through the end of the year. 2020 will be a bigger year for me on the touring/festival front. 

9. What tips would you give any struggling musician out there reading this and that look up to you?
Make music that you love. If you're passionate about your music, everything else follows. Also, collaborate as much as you can, it's the best way to learn/get better. 

10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I would love to be able to help develop artists and use my connections/knowledge to help make things happen for talented people. I just love music so much, I want to be a part of as much as I can.