
Music Artist Nella Cole

Music Artist Nella Cole


Photography:Hana Haley

1. How long have you been a recording artist? Who discovered you? 
I started recording the summer after I graduated high school. Fun fact: I didn’t even apply to any colleges because I was set on a performing career! The first place I ever recorded original music was at CBS studios. I submitted to a casting call that my friend's mom had shared with me, and the producer brought me in to work. That’s when I started writing for the first time as well!
2. What do you consider your style of singing and your personal style as an artist?
I would say my singing style is rhythmic pop. I love singing high in the airy, sweet part of my voice, but also really enjoy the smooth part of the lower register. When listening to my music you may even catch something that resembles a rap every now and then ;) I like to describe my personal style, as an artist, as colorful, feminine, sporty and 100% authentic!
3. Who inspires you in music? Who do you think is a close comparison to you already out ?
In music, I’m inspired by A LOT of artists from all genres. I’m mostly inspired by the ones who tell the truth and present their story in an interesting, clever way. I am obsessed with lyrics, and the meanings behind them and how writers play on words to make you think about something in a new way. I would say I’m similar to artists like Dua Lipa and Ariana Grande.
4. Where do you call home? Wheres you favorite place to vacation?
New York City is my home! I am a native of Staten Island. As much as I am a total city girl, I absolutely adore the beach. My favorite place to vacation is Aruba or anywhere with crystal blue water! 
5. What is the hardest thing about being a singer in todays world of social media influencers ?
I think the hardest thing about social media for a singer, and in general, is that everyone is presenting a curated version of themselves. It’s easy to compare yourself to others this way and get down. I see a lot of people getting caught up in it and sometimes it can have a negative effect. On social media, everyone’s life is perfect but real life isn’t like that- and that’s okay! I think social media can be a really great platform, but it’s important to remember not to take it too seriously and just have fun with it. 
6. Do you feel like it is easier now or harder to get a number one hit (for all artists)?
I think it’s definitely easier now for all artists to get their music out into the world. I’d say the definition of a number one hit has changed with social media and streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. There’s so much exposure and so many people that you can reach. If your song isn’t playing on the radio yet, but you have millions of plays on Spotify, I’d still call that a hit! 
7. What was your go to song this past summer?
My go to song this summer was definitely my newest single, “All Out”! I released it mid June when I was performing in an off broadway show called “This Ain’t No Disco”. My cast mates were always playing the song in the dressing room and singing it all day! It made me so happy to see them respond to it in that way. 
8. Do you think you may pursue more entertainment projects (besides singing) in the future?
Absolutely! It looks like I’ll have some interesting opportunities coming up next year in the musical theater world. I’m also looking to dive further into acting, so we’ll see what the year brings! 
9. Do you have a tour lined up for 2019?
We are currently in the process of booking dates for 2019 which I’m really excited about! I’ve been working on my live set for a while and I can’t wait to bring it to life for everyone. Spoiler alert: you can expect lots of dancing :) 
I’ll be announcing upcoming dates on my Instagram so be sure to follow me!
10. Whats you plans for the New Year's Eve?
I’m torn! Part of me wants to get dressed up, go dancing and bring in the new year wild and crazy with my best friends. The other part of me wants to stay in for a zen, quiet evening at home. This probably says a lot about my personality haha. 
11. What can we look for in your career moving forward. Do you have any appearances or things your fans mark down in there calendars?
Yes! The official “All Out” music video is premiering this Friday, Dec 7th on the brand new NellaColeVEVO channel. You can catch me appearing as a dancer in the new film, “Vox Lux” starring Natalie Portman, in theaters now! I’ll also be releasing another single off of my EP early 2019 so stay tuned :)