Black Entertainers

SYFY's Day of the Dead  Natalie Malaika - Ouch! Magazine : Fashion Entertainment Blog and Publication

SYFY's Day of the Dead Natalie Malaika

Photography Dark White Lens @hellonwelcome Let's talk about your role in the new series Day of the Dead! I love a good zombie movie or tv show. What was the set like? Was it scary? The zombies definitely added an element of fright, particularly when a gaggle of them are chasing you, but overall it was a fun set to be on. It felt like...

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Chewii is the next big thing ! - Ouch! Magazine

Chewii is the next big thing !

@chewiimusique Photography by Govales What inspired you for this latest song? Did you write it? What's the meaning of it? It's really important for me to write my own music because that is my power, the way in which I express myself candidly and truthfully. 'Soul Holiday' which is the first single from my upcoming album 'Fragments Of Me' is about the kind of love that transcends time and space...

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Actor Thomas Olajide stars in “ Learn to Swim" - Ouch! Magazine : Fashion Entertainment Blog and Publication

Actor Thomas Olajide stars in “ Learn to Swim"

Photographer : Alejandro Santiago In "Learn to Swim." What is it about and what's your role? Learn To Swim is a sensual and poetic feature film directed by Thyrone Tommy about a young black jazz player who learns to face his grief. I play the role of Dezi Williams who is haunted by his past. It is a past he is fervently trying to avoid....

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