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Argentinean Actor Tomas Decurgez  exclusive for ouch! magazine

Argentinean Actor Tomas Decurgez exclusive for ouch! magazine



Argentinean Actor Tomas Decurgez exclusive for ouch! magazine Ouch! Magazine

You just got the lead role in the movie “Containment Zone”, directed by Michael Matteo Rossi. What is it about?

It is a futuristic film about a group of people who are exposed to scientific investigations, controlled by the government, that is looking for the cure of a disease that threatens the whole human race. Michael is a great young director from Hollywood, who tells stories in a very crude way. He specializes in thrillers, and he knows how to narrate extreme situations in a very realistic way. I liked his work from the first time I saw it and I can’t wait for the first day of this challenge to arrive.

What would your dream role be?

Since I was very young, films called my attention especially when they had a great costume and stage design. If I have to choose, my dream is to make period movies, and work different accents and play characters from centuries ago or maybe worlds that don’t even exist. One of my favorite movies of all times is “Amadeus”. That somehow, I think, summarizes the answer.

You moved to Los Angeles just a year ago. Did you expect to get as much success and attention as you are getting in such a short time?

Well, I’m always trying to grow, but especially because that growth is going to open doors to better projects. As I just said, I still dream of being part of an “Amadeus”, and I don’t measure success with how famous somebody can be. Fame is not a goal, but just help for talented people in the industry to know your name and reach out to you with greater opportunities. And a greater opportunity is not to lead the next high grossing movie, but to get to play a truly interesting and rich character so that one can show its work. My path in this new market has just begun and I can’t be grateful enough for being a working actor. Thousands of actors in this city try to be noticed, but literally millions are just struggling to make a living out of what they love.

What are your principals in life?

My family, health, and knowing that I’m doing all I can to be better at what I do. I know I’m ambitious, but every tiny little step forward in my career is an explosion of happiness.

Whats your work routine?

I don’t have one. And I love that I don’t. One day I’m shooting all day long, or until crazy late hours, if not I’m auditioning, I cook every day because I like homemade food, I train (sometimes I for a run, sometimes I bike, or I go to the gym), I try to write at least 3 times a week, and I love watching movies, which is not only a relaxing activity but is also a school for me.

Whats the key to success for an actor?

The way I see it: to work very hard. Is about knowing what the world sees from you, what type of person you are. To study, because actors embody people from different times in different situations, and I believe a good actor needs to be informed and have a general knowledge of history, other communities, and realities. An actor learns to be rejected and keeps walking forward and it needs to be confident with his work and persevering with his goals. And finally, he shouldn’t think of money when he chooses a part. Most people want to be actors because that can lead to fame and wealth, but those things come if an artist makes good choices. A good role in a low budget movie will give an actor a bigger movie and an even bigger one after that. A bad, uninteresting role in a big budget movie might kill your name forever, and that is all you are going to get. This is only my opinion.