Where do you see the dance community to have evolved in 10 years?
I think the talent is going to be even more amazing. I can remember growing up and thinking my team was the BEST and now I see the ALDC girls as well as other teams and think “oh my god! They are so much better than we ever were!"
What is the biggest misunderstanding about choreographing routines for the Abby Lee Dance Company?
Choreographing for ALDC and the TV show happens very fast. It shows on TV that we learn the routines in one week when in reality we learn them in only an hour or two. We compete against teams that practice for months!
You love to choreograph beautiful lyrical routines. How many years would it take a beginner with no experience to perfect one of those routines? My routines are very technical and usually have some crazy timing that I made up myself that usually isn't blatant in the music. It may take you a while to get it perfect.
At what age did you discover your love of dance? How did you transition from being a dancer yourself to being a choreographer?
I loved to dance from the very beginning. I come from a dancing family. It was all I grew up doing. I tried other stuff but none of it was really for me. I started making up dances when I was really young but didn't start setting choreography until I was 16. I still danced until I graduated high school but after that choreography really became my passion.
How is it different being on a reality TV show now that people know you? How has y
our life changed since the show started?
Well, sometimes little girls hide behind clothing racks and try to take a picture of me… and that's crazy. I just end up going up to them myself and asking if they would like one! My life has probably changed in the sense that I finally get to live my dream of being bicoastal. I live half the year on the west coast and the other half on the east coast. I also get to do something that was once my favorite after school activity as my dream job!
Who is your inspiration or what inspires you?
All the dancers that came before me and all the dancers that I teach and see in class. Travis Wall will always be a huge inspiration of mine. I can remember competing against him and his studio when I was growing up. Seeing where he is now is incredible and so well deserved.
What projects do you have coming up in 2017?
Lots more Dance Moms!
How can fans reach out to you?
My official Facebook page, Twitter (@giaabella), Instagram (@gmartello22), and soon to be my own official blog and website! Stay tuned!
9. Do you have any hidden talents or other secret ambitions you may dabble in?
I love to cook! And I like to think I'm a professional shopper… haha!
What advice can you give young dancers or choreographers about the business?
The dance world is a tough one. There are so many dancers and not enough dancejobs. Sometimes people aren't always looking for the best, they are looking for what fits the role. Sometimes you might not be right for 100 parts, but maybe the next one you will be.