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Charlene Amoia The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It

Charlene Amoia The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It

Photographer :Dean Foreman

Stylist:  Lisa and Tyler 

Makeup: Motoko Honjo-Clayton 


The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It. Please let us know your role and the plot of the movie?

I play Judy Glatzel, the mother of the young boy whose soul gets tormented and possessed. 

The Conjuring 3 is about the demonic events that took place for the Glatzel family in the early 1980s in Connecticut. We see the effects on all members of the family and the tragic events that happen thereafter.

Are you a big fan of horror movies? 

I was a huge fan of horror movies as a teenager but got really spoked by them later on in life. 


How were you as a kid watching movies? 

As a kid, I couldn't wait to go see whatever scary movie was in the theater. From Stephen King movies to all the Nightmare on Elm Streets, I loved them all.


 I am super jealous of your role in  DC’S BIRDS OF PREY movies, how is it to work with the female cast members?

Oh, thanks! Haha! Birds of Prey was such a fun filming experience. It was extremely cohesive and collaborative, and just felt like a bunch of women getting together, really supporting each other and bringing each other up while making some major movie magic happen.


What's the worst thing you've been asked to do on set?

Oh wow, good question! I think I've been pretty lucky in that I haven't been asked to do anything that has compromised my values or made me uncomfortable. Actually, now that I think of it, I was cast on a comedy where my lines kept changing and my character had to say some pretty insensitive things as the newer scripts came out. Luckily though, in the end, the producers agreed and cut the lines that made me the most uncomfortable to say.


How do you prepare a role? 

There are many things I do and they sort of morph and vary with each character but some of them include first reading the script a few times and making notes on things that make first impressions on me.  I then ask myself why is this character and story in my life right now? I do research on the time period and historical events, music and culture that are taking place and then I figure out what is driving this person and what are her biggest fears and desires.  I experiment with my voice and body to see how the character is similar and different to me and then I try to play and make discoveries along the way.


What has been your favorite role so far? 

That's a tough one! I love doing comedy so playing Wendy the Waitress on How I Met Your Mother was always fun to do, but I also love feeling challenged by roles that scare me and having to take a leaps of faith each step of the way.


What projects have you managed to set up for 2021 since we have a major lockdown and I know things are slower?

I have The Conjuring 3 and Fear Street that will be released in 2021 and have just recently started auditioning regularly again, so fingers crossed, we get something in the works going again here soon!



How do you stay focused and positive?

As a whole, I eat clean and exercise regularly but lately I've been trying out a new hike each weekend and spending a lot of time with loved ones.  The hikes give me something fun to look forward to and cooking and spending time with those I love always nourish the soul and keep me positive.


What are some tips for beauty and lifestyle that you would give to newcomers?

Drink lots of water, get good sleep, find people who bring you up and make you laugh and just enjoy the ride.


How can fans reach out to you via social media?

 I'm on instagram, facebook and twitter!