
CW Seed's Beerfest Actor Blake Cooper Griffin

CW Seed's Beerfest Actor Blake Cooper Griffin


Photographer : Vince Trupsin    

Exclusive Interview by

1.How did you prepare for this new role?

Well, I’m admittedly more of a tequila guy, but I’m also really into games so I’ve played my fair share of flip cup and beer pong.


2. What kind of acting roles do you see yourself branching out to in the near future?

I’m hoping Beerfest: Thirst for Victory is the beginning of a lot more comedy. One thing I love about acting is the transformational element and I’ve been lucky to play a lot of different types of roles in the past. The last couple of projects leading up to Beerfest were super serious which allowed me to explore the complexity of those characters, but I’m enjoying lightening things up for the time being.


3. What acting role have you passed up that you wished you hadn't?

I was up for “The Book of Mormon” on Broadway and for whatever reason, it didn’t all come together. That would have been awesome. The show is hilarious and being the lead in a Broadway show would have been a dream come true. Definitely, the one that got away.


4. Tell me a little about your character in BEERFEST: THIRST FOR VICTORY?

I play a character named Scott. The story of our version of Beerfest follows Scott’s journey as he navigates the pitfalls of post-college life. When we meet Scott he’s recently single and has lost some of the confidence he had in college. He reconnects with his buddies and convinces them to join Beerfest in an effort to get his mojo back.

 CW Seed's Beerfest Actor Blake Cooper Griffin Ouch! Magazine


5. What is your workout routine?


I find it really hard to get to the gym and do a regular work out. I always admire people that get up and go to the gym every day at the same time, but that’s not me. So, I hike a lot with my dog and I go to boot camp workout classes. Having other people around motivates me.


6. What do you think of social media and are you currently active online?

I think social media is great — in doses. I’m a little worried that we are becoming a society dominated by our phones. Nothing can beat a face-to-face talk with a friend. That said, I also like the way it keeps us connected to people all over the world. I like Instagram best, so I use that one the most.


7. What is your favorite past time when not working?

Sleeping! No, really. Other than that, I like taking short trips to Palm Springs or Ojai. I also just bought a season pass to Six Flags.


8. Do you have any special skills that fans would be surprised about?

I do not cook at all, and somehow, I have managed to survive. I feel like that’s an accomplishment. Thank you to the Gelson's Deli and the cafe on my corner.


9. What other projects are you involved in for 2018 and for the new year, 2019 that you'd like to share?

I recently finished a film project so stay tuned for that. I’ve also been doing some writing. I’m developing a comedy series with Kim Shaw— a very talented actress/writer friend. I’m really stoked about what we’ve got in the works. Other than that, I’m still volunteering with the anti-bullying non-profit Boo2Bullying and will also be out there this fall encouraging people to get out and vote in the November midterms.

IG: @blakecoopergriffin

Twitter: @thegriffster