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Photography: Ian Lanterman

Styling: Cheyenne Hoffman

Grooming: Katie Elwood


What's Spinning Out about in your own words?

It’s a story that centers around this elite level figure skater, Kat Baker, who yearns to be remembered through her sport, all the while balancing family struggles, her own battle with mental illness, and her love life. 


Who is your character in this 10 part series on Netflix?

I play Justin Davis, who, not unlike Kat, loves skating and wants to go all the way to the Olympics. However, he has many inner struggles of his own and sometimes they get in the way of him accomplishing his goals. 


What was the most difficult part about your role?

Skating! Specifically the tango sequences. Luckily for us, we had some amazing Olympic level athletes to help us get the shots we needed. 


How did you prepare for this role?

I did about a month’s worth of skating training in Vancouver prior to landing in Toronto.  Once Kaya and I had met, they had us doing both dry land and off ice training for about three weeks leading up to our first day of shooting. Long days! But they really allowed Kaya and I to get to know one another as well as learn the basics of the sport.


Are you a figure skating lover in real life? What other sports if any can you not live without?

I wish! I can only do the basics in figure skating but, I played hockey from the age of five all the way up to nineteen before realizing I had to be an actor. So I suppose you could say I couldn’t live without a rink/hockey for most of my childhood years. 




What other projects have you got lined up for 2020 and even 2021?

Nothing at the moment, I’m just crossing my fingers for a Spinning Out season two! 


Can any of your fans see you out in person? Do you have any special showings you will be apart of?

I actually just got back from LA, a few members of our cast went to the Golden Globes after-party hosted by Netflix, which was incredible. Other than that, I have no other official appearances lined up in the next few weeks. 


What's a day like living in your shoes?

I wake up, have some coffee, read books/scripts, exercise and play music…That’s pretty much it if I’m not working! 


What would be the most surprising thing people might not know about you?

I love to sing and write songs. It’s probably my favorite thing to do outside of acting. 


Any last thought?

I’m just so excited people are enjoying Spinning Out and am so grateful for everyone who has reached out!


How can people reach out to you via social media?

My Instagram is the best place for that. My handle is: EvanRoderick