Feb 11, 2018
Photographer Annick Violette
1. Do you prefer working on projects in Canada, LA or New York City and why?
So far I've only ever worked on projects in Canada. But I LOVE New York! If I had the chance to film something in New York I would be bouncing off the walls with excitement. Whenever I'm there, it feels like home. I could see myself living there. I actually plan to move there for a few years. I do go down to LA quite a bit, and always have a good time, so I'm sure I'd enjoy filming there too. The huge studios look pretty fun, and they are quite a bit bigger than any of the studios I’ve shot in. It would be a new experience.
2. When did you decide you wanted to become an actress?
I started when I was very little. I wanted to be an actor when I was nine, my parents weren’t too sure about it but decided to let me try it out. I will always be extremely grateful. They took time off from work to drive me to auditions and take me to set because I loved acting so much.

3. What was the very first break you received in your career?
It was the first movie I did, called Saint Monica. It's a very special film, and it taught me so much. We moved to Toronto to film, and it got into a ton of festivals. I had to get a passport, which I never had, so I could attend some of them. I’d never left the country before, and the first place we went to was Berlin. At the time, I didn’t realize how rare that was.
4. What is your all-time favorite movie or tv show?
This is a hard one. I love film and TV. Some of my favorite movies are Leon the Professional, Princess Mononoke, Amelie, Moon, and Spirited Away. TV is tricky, because I actually grew up mostly without it, so I’ve had to do a ton of catching up. Firefly is up there for sure, so is Game of Thrones. I’m in the process of watching Xena, Battlestar Galactica, and Shameless. I watched Xena when I was little, but I don’t remember most of it. Its been very fun to re-watch.
5. Who would you love to work in the future?
Roger Deakins. Everything he has been a part of looks so incredible. I love cinematography and he is my favorite cinematographer. It’s hard to pick directors and actors because there are so many people I admire. I’ve been very lucky and have had the chance to work with so many talented people. I try my best to not get starstruck, I’m there to work! But if I got to work with Deakins I might freak out a little.
6. Tell fans a little about your current project, UnREAL?
UnREAL revolves around the production team of a reality dating show and how they try to manipulate drama to get an exciting show. I play Madison who has made her way very quickly up the ladder in a somewhat questionable manner. She tries to absorb as much from Quinn (Constance Zimmer) and Rachel (Shirt Appleby) as possible, but she also has some sneaky things of her own up her sleeves.
7. What drew you the role of Madison?
I honestly had no idea where they were planning to take the character. At first she comes off as an awkward silly girl but they decided to give her a dark side, which is so much fun. I thought she was super funny and really had a good time with her awkwardness. She’s this person you love to hate, and I love those characters!.
8. What do you do on your days off?
Lots of reading. I love books. The smell of a bookstore is the best. I also spend time painting, drawing, and crafting. I love making things. I have so many art supplies. Whenever I see a medium I haven’t tried, I have to find a way to get it and try it.
9. Where would you love to visit on planet earth and why?
The Galapagos Islands. There are so many beautiful fascinating things there that aren’t anywhere else in the world. It seems so peaceful and secluded. I’ve never been anywhere like it. My favorite place I’ve traveled to is Japan. I would go back in a second. I want to go there with every person I care about.
10. Are you single? What is your type?
No, I am with my partner, J.J. Webb. He’s the greatest. We live together with Marcus the cat, who's really a dog in a cats body, he just wants belly rubs all day. I’m very happy! Really my type is just who the person is. I don’t care about anything else. The woman, man, non-binary, none of that matters. As long as they’re a good person with a kind heart. Also a sense of humor. I love it when people can make me laugh!
11. What can we expect from you in 2018?
Season three of UnREAL, which begins on February 26th, is a super big one for me. I can’t wait to see what people think. We also just finished filming season four as well, and I filmed an episode of The X-Files. Even though we are only a month into 2018, its been a good year so far.
12. How can fans follow you on social media?
Fans can follow me at @genevievebue on Twitter and Instagram.