Congrats on your role as Milford in BENCHWARMERS 2: BREAKING BALLS. What interested you in the role?
I wanted to be apart of Benchwarmers because I loved the first movie, huge fan. But also because of the director Jon Rosenbaum. I’ve worked with him a number of times on comedies in the past and I knew with his involvement it would be hilarious and amazing. He is such a light and creates so many wonderful stories. He is very giving as a director and person, so as actors, we always feel so free and happy to go to set and take fun changes that usually work out really well! The production team is also full of gems it burns your eyeballs! My character Milford is so silly and goofy, I live for playing those kinds of characters. I feel so lucky to get paid to be a goofball. All of my friends were cast in it too, so it was like going to camp!
How did you prepare for the role of Milford?
When I work on comedies that have an ensemble of diverse characters like Benchwarmers, I seek inspiration from classic comedies. I get a lot of inspiration from the wardrobe, and will often act as a good walking around in the shoes and clothing and improvise while working on the lines in my trailer to continue to develop my role. I try to just be really open on set and to be ready to find new exciting moments in the script, and any improvisation that may happen.
Where was the film shot?
The film was shot in Langley, BC. We had an awesome baseball field there and a location right beside it for the law office. In between filming, we played ball! We had a blast. It was so fun.

What is your all-time favorite movie or tv show to date?
My all-time favorite movie or tv show?! Tough tough question. Well, my dream is to be in a long-running sitcom and to really develop a character. I’m going to say The Office. I could watch it over and over, and I do. I love the comedy and the characters, and the heart of the whole show.
Who or what inspires you to live your best life?
Who inspires me to live my best life? What a wonderful question. I’m going to say, my family and friends. They are so supportive and loving, I want them to be proud of me, especially my nephews. I want them to look up to me. But mostly, because I have learned to really love myself. And that takes work. If you believe you deserve to live a good quality of life, you just might.
How can you describe your everyday life?
My everyday day life can be so different from one day to the next in this crazy business! Some days I’m running around with my head cut off auditioning and working. Other days I’m leisurely walking to yoga and going on hikes! One phone call can change everything. I always make sure I take time to exercise, cook, paint and read. I’m a tiny bit of a hippie! I try to make time for family and friends as much as possible, and spend the weekends cooking and hanging with my loved ones! I’m pretty lucky to live where I live and to love what I do. I’m most happy when I’m working! I also teach acting so that takes up my time too for sure! It’s so great to coach actors. It teaches me so much as an actor, and I love talking and exploring the craft with them.
Did you do the 10-year challenge on Instagram? If so did you notice anything major or reflect on the past 10 years?
I did not do the ten-year challenge! For no particular reason. Maybe I’ll do the 20-year challenge! I’ll slowly catch up. I highly enjoyed others take part though. So much has happened in the last ten years. What I can say is it’s true when they say time does fly! I think I have grown a lot as a person and as an actor. I used to think I was mature, and now I’m like, oh no, I’m mature now. I really wasn’t then. Haha! So many ups and downs, good and bad times! I feel it’s all made me stronger. I feel the struggle of the world immensely, and actually, hope the next ten years lead us to a better change. And I have learned that I can make a difference, even if it’s little. So I hope to keep evolving, and just being as compassionate as possible. And I think the last ten years brought me to be more understanding, more mature. And some grey hair. I would like to thank Patrick, my hairdresser, at this time.
Where can fans follow you on social media?
Fans can follow me on Instagram @jilly_morrison and on Twitter @jillactress. That would make me happy! My website is
What projects should we look out for this year that you're involved in?
I actually get to say this truthfully... that I just finished filming a top secret project! Haha. I’m very excited about it. But up next I’m starting work on The Good Doctor! I’m looking forward to it. I love that show, it has so many rich storylines. So please check that out! :) Project Blue Book is also on right now. I am privileged to be a recurring character on the show. If you like UFOs and amazing stories, check it out on A&E History Channel on Tuesday nights.