Sage Correa Rising Star

One to Watch: Sage Correa Rising Star

Photographer: Darrin VanGorder

How did you start as an actor?
When I was 4 years old, I was in a Christmas pageant at school. After the show, I realized that I really loved being on stage. I told my parents that I wanted to be an actor. My first stage show was playing Doody in Grease and I nailed it! After that, I got an agent and started working on camera which now I like better than on stage.

What is the best part of acting?
I love that fact that I'm making money for my future! I will be able to pay for college myself which is huge!

Who inspires you or what inspires you?
Don Cheadle and Chris Tucker. If I could merge them together into my personality that would be great! Don Cheadle is an actor and a director and Chris Tucker is a great actor and comedian.

Tell us about your new movie with Halle Berry.
It is about a little boy who gets kidnapped from a fair while his mom is on a phone call. Halle is a hero in the movie because she doesn't stop until she gets her son back! There is lots of suspense and a lot of action!

How was it working with such a famously beautiful and iconic actress?
It was cool because I got to get a lot of advice from someone who has been in the business for a long time. Plus, she was very nice. Much nicer than I ever imagined!

Who would you want to work in the future?
Chris Tucker because he seems like a cool dude and very funny so we would probably have a good time on set!

What is your favorite tv show or movie of all time?
I love Rush Hour 2 because it is hilarious and there is a lot of action. I like action comedies. I enjoy Jackie Chan movies because he is so good at kung fu.

Who inspires you or what inspires you?
Don Cheadle and Chris Tucker. If I could merge them together into my personality that would be great! Don Cheadle is an actor and a director and Chris Tucker is a great actor and comedian.

How do you do school? Do you ever wish you could go to public school?

At my old school, I would have to leave early a lot for auditions and sometimes miss school when I was working. My teacher would send the schoolwork with me to complete with the set teacher. This year, I am going to a new school for working kids so the schedule is going to be more flexible or me.

What do you do on your days off?
Sometimes I go to Universal Studios or I might be at home Face-timing with my friends or playing video games.

How can fans reach out to you via the internet and what other projects do you have coming up?

Fans can follow me on Instagram, Twitter @sagecorrea, Facebook Sage Correa or check out my website at

Right now, I don't have anything coming up that I can talk about, but stay tuned!