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Young Hollywood Actor Matty Cardarople

Young Hollywood Actor Matty Cardarople




How long have you been a professional actor?

Since 2006

Can you tell us what was you're first ever role was?
My first role ever was an Office Clerk in a movie with Jessica Simpson. It was called Blonde Ambition. Luke Wilson got me the role. I worked as his personal assistant and it was super cool of him to look out for me. In the scene, he had a leftover sandwich sitting next to him and I improvised. “Gonna eat that sandwich?” - He never did tell me if he was going to eat it or not.

How do you feel to see yourself on TV and/or movies?
It's the best. It's a dream come true. I've always wanted to be an actor. Whether I knew it or not. I love to bring people joy through laughter. It truly is the best job in the world. I'm very grateful.

Is there an older A-list actor that you idolize and study for your future career moves?
Yes. Goofy. If I can be more like goofy than I have won in life…but seriously probably Chris Pratt. The love and dedication that he puts into a role are really impressive. I admire him for that. He's the real deal.

Tell us about your role in A Series of Unfortunate Events?
I play Orlando aka Hench Person Of Indeterminate Gender. I am a member of Count Olaf’s acting troupe and a henchperson for him. My character is very smart and makes subtle observations about life.

How do you differ from your character?
In real life, I don't wear dresses. But I probably should. They're so comfortable.

How is it working on set?
It looks funny, but scary at the same time! It's a trip. It feels like I have slipped into a time portal. The crew and cast are some of the finest people I have ever worked with. I especially had a blast with the makeup and hair people. We would laugh tears on a constant basis.

Where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years?
Making a big impact on people all over the world. I want to bring more joy to the masses.

Do you have any guilty pleasures that you couldn't live without?
Um. Ice Cream.

You are also on one of my personal favorites "Stranger Things". How is it working with this cast, especially the main kids?
The main kids and the cast were an absolute blast. They are all so funny and authentic. I want to be like them when I grow up. I'll actually be joining them at Denver Comic Con this year. I'm stoked. I'm going to eat 27 bags of Cheetos.

What other projects do you have lined up for this next and 2019?
I have a few top secret things I am doing and cooking up. Keep your eyes to the skies.

Are you active on social media? How can fans reach out to you?
I am @mattycardarople on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook