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Young Hollywood Actress Jacky Lai

Young Hollywood Actress Jacky Lai



Photographer: Noah Asanias

Glam: Min-Jee Mowat

Styling: Hiba Al-Qishawi 

Interview Editor: Rhonda Mcknight  


V-Wars well this was exciting. How did you like working on season 1?

I loved it! I got to play a badass character on a cool show with some really talented people.

What more can you ask for?

How did you select your role from all the others? It chose me. I knew the minute I read the audition material; I knew I needed to do her justice. There was a spark that was ignited inside me. She’s such a cool character, smart and slick, daring and independent with an attitude?! She was everything I’ve ever wanted to play. Was this a dark set? The show is really scary. There were a few dark sets but I feel like they made it more so in a post to give that dramatic effect.

Are you a lover of horror or SYFY? What's your favorite all-time movie to date?

I’m too much of a chicken to be a fan of horror so between the two, definitely SyFy! My fav movie of all time has got to be Titanic, it was the first movie I ever saw in theaters and it was a great one so I feel like the whole experience is something I can never forget.

Can you describe your character to those who may not have watched the series? Kaylee Vo is a witty and resourceful online journalist. She runs her site and will do whatever it takes to get the insider scoop or the next big story. With this drive and eagerness, she quickly finds herself in the midst of a war between humans and vampires.


What other project do you have lined up for this year?

 I have a new punk rom-com feature called Fall Back Down coming out this year. I’ve also started to write, with plans to direct and produce so really looking forward to that.


How do you stay grounded as an individual in this time we are living in?

 I do a lot of self-work such as meditation, journaling, and therapy. Traveling and setting goals helps me think about the bigger picture and it helps to take a break from social media every once in a while.


What can we find in your music library?
‘A mix of RnB, Hip Hop, and piano music.’

What is your beauty routine like?
I’m really open to trying new things so my kit is always changing but some rotating favorites would be AlumierMD eye cream, Zo Skin Health face scrub, and Kiel’s face cream. There’s this line called Hyalogy that I love too but it’s more on the pricier side.

How can fans reach out to you via social media? 

Twitter, IG, & YouTube: @hijackylai