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Montana L. Jacobowitz  under 21 selects for Aug 2020

Montana L. Jacobowitz under 21 selects for Aug 2020


Rachael B Photography and Greg Doherty Photography 



Montana L. Jacobowitz  under 21


What makes your music stand out? How do you describe your fans? 

What makes my music stand out is that it has a mix of genres between Pop, Indie, and R&B. I also regularly try to have a story or message behind my music, either involving various social issues in our world today, such as mental health, women empowerment, relationships, past experiences, etc. I am so thankful for my fans and supporters because, without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would describe them as a very wide variety of audiences, including different genders, ages, and cultures. I love it when a lot of young girls, especially young girls of color look up to me. I try to always answer as many people as possible through my direct messages. 


Have you come up with a name for your fans?

 I have not come up with a name for my fans because I want to wait for when they decide a fandom name because I don’t want to come up with one and change it later, lol. I want the fans and supporters to come up with one that they feel ok with. 


How long have you been in music?

 I have been in music ever since I was 5 or 6 years old. My parents pretty much grew my siblings and me on listening to old tunes on the radio from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. My parents wanted my brothers and me to be open to have the opportunity to play music, so they bought us electric and acoustic guitars, a piano, xylophone, and harmonicas, etc. From young, I loved being a musician, but I never thought I would turn out to be a singer-songwriter. My brother has truly inspired me to get into music since he is unable to fully speak or have a voice.


You are really into social issues I read so what advice do you give people now on the 

#Blacklivesmatter movement? should people #Weraamask?

 Yes, definitely and I truly support the movement, 100%. I don’t believe in violence or vandalism, I believe in peace between one another because we are all human beings. But I was so elated to see so many people out protesting for the movement because thinking about it, I never thought so many people across the World would support it. Growing up I got bullied and discriminated against due to my race, as my parents are an interracial couple. It really upsets me that growing up, I didn’t like my skin color or my curly hair and that I wanted straight hair. But my parents taught me that I should love myself and be proud of who I am and I love them for showing me that. I wish growing up, there were people or role models, other than my parents, to show me that Black was beautiful because where I grew up, positive role models were nonexistent. I believe everyone is different in their own ways, but no one has the right to kill or hurt based on that difference. I believe everyone should wear a mask due to the rise in the Covid-19 outbreak, if not, everyone is at risk. All races and colors of people marching in unity made one of the greatest impacts and changes in history.  Young people should be proud of themselves for the strength that they showed and the avenues they used, such as, social media, to show the truth about what was occurring all over the world. 

Have you ever become shy or forgetful on stage while performing? 

Yes, definitely. I think everyone has at least done this once in their time of performing. I don’t get shy anymore, but I have forgotten lyrics and had to improvise. I remember when I first performed on stage, at a summer camp talent show when I was 8 or 10 years old and I forgot the lyrics to Katy Perry’s song Firework in front of 200 people. My first time acting on stage as a lead role in a play was in third grade and it was in front of about 500 people. I wasn’t really shy, I was more so excited and nervous at the same time that I froze looking at the audience. I think I was so surprised to see so many people in the audience, but I got through it.


Do you write your own music?

 I do write my own music, I sometimes collaborate with my mom.  I started songwriting when I was in 6th grade. When deciding to release original music, I had that songwriter question run through my head, “What if no one likes the song?” 

But when I was in 9th grade, I decided that I wanted to finally release my own music. My first single, Let Me In, I collaborated with a co-writer.


Who are your biggest inspirations in life? 

Definitely my brother, Arizona, who I mentioned before, and my mom and dad, of course. I’ve gained inspiration from actor Leonardo DiCaprio, because of the many dramatic roles he has played, I especially enjoyed Titanic. I also find Emma Watson to be a huge inspiration, not only as an actress but for her efforts as a U.N Ambassador.

Who is your favorite artist? Who do you think would be the perfect duo partner for your music? 

Some of my favorite artists are Alicia Keys, Rihanna, Ed Sheeran, Arlissa, Alessia Cara, Adele, Lewis Capaldi, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, Justin Bieber, and Andra Day. I would have to say that the perfect duo partner for my music would either be Lewis Capaldi or Jessie Reyez. 


What do you look forward to in 2021?

No more quarantine and a much better year? I look forward to doing tours and traveling. 


How can fans reach out to you via social media?

 I try to answer all my direct messages on social media and I’m always trying to answer as many comments as possible.