Beauty Hacks That Take 60 Seconds Or Less
Oct 09, 2020It is a general view of our culture that beauty is something that takes time and effort. If you want a stunning body or athletic physique, you have to spend months in the gym, drinking nothing but green smoothies.
In reality, though, that’s not always the case. You can do things that take sixty seconds or less and allow you to avoid a lot of the hassle that goes into a fully-fledged beauty routine.
That’s not to say that the staples of diet and exercise aren’t important. They are, but they’re not the whole picture. Often quick, easy tricks can work just as well.
Put Your Face In Icy Water
Dr. Phil recently had a bunch of women on his show talking about how they managed to look so much younger than their chronological age.
Interestingly, none of them seemed to be following strict diets or exercise regimens. Instead, they were mostly using odd tricks on their skin to keep it looking young and supple.
Putting ice on the face was a common strategy. But one woman took it a step further, submerging her head in icy water and then breathing through a snorkel.
It sounds like a bizarre and crazy idea, but it works similarly to a chemical peel. In both cases, you’re trying to activate the skin’s natural healing mechanisms, rejuvenating it from the inside out.
If you don’t particularly like the idea of submerging your entire head, you can just rub an ice cube over your face. It takes a few seconds and makes all the difference.
Switch On Your Diffuser
Essential oils are great for both body and mind. Plus, they get to work immediately, the moment you switch on your diffuser. You get a quick energy boost, giving you that instant glow you crave.
Change Your Hair Color
Do you want to change your look quickly? Applying a hair dye shampoo only takes a few seconds and can dramatically alter your appearance.
We recommend exploring dark brown hair color ideas and finding which suits your skin tone the best. Going lighter can be a lot of fun and helps to bring out the highlights in your complexion.
Make A Cup Of Warm Tea
Skip the usual caffeinated beverages and sip on something super healthy, like hibiscus tea.
Hibiscus contains unique phytonutrients that help expand the blood vessels that supply the face, enhancing nutrient delivery. It also detoxifies the skin, helping to clear it up and fight back against zits.
Use A Dermaroller
Dermarollers look a bit like pastry rollers for the kitchen, but the surface that comes into contact with your face is studded with tiny needles.
That might sound like a bad thing but bear with us. It turns out that when you puncture the skin in multiple places, you force it to go into survival mode and come back stronger. The needles penetrate skin cells, damage the cell walls, and cause them to go into self-destruct mode or repair rapidly.
The net result of this is smoother, younger-looking skin. And you can get the job done in just a few seconds. A quick (and somewhat painful roll), and you’re done.
Mix Coffee Grounds Into Your Scrub

When it comes to looking beautiful, nature is often your best friend. And nothing illuminates this idea better than the fact that the humble coffee ground can improve your skin's appearance.
Take any used coffee ground from your coffee machine and then combine them with your scrub. As you wash your hands and body, the natural oils from the bean will start to leach out, moisturizing your body while also offering exfoliating action.
Add A Touch Of Lipstick
Makeup is miraculous. It can make you feel like a knockout in a matter of seconds.
Adding a touch of lipstick is easy. But don’t limit yourself to your lips. Apply a couple of dabs to your cheeks or above your eyes for an instant burst of color.
Apply A Hair Mask To Your Hair
A hair mask is just something that you leave to nourish your hair for a few minutes before washing off - just like a face mask.
These days, people aren’t buying commercial hair masks from store shelves. Instead, they’re making their own using ayurvedic ingredients, like amla.
Apply a hair mask by making a large mixture and then spread it from root to tip. Be sure to target both areas, as both the roots and ends tend to be the most problematic.
Then, once the mask is in place, tie your hair up and put it in a bun, and leave it to work its magic for a few minutes. After that, let your hair down and then wash out any residue with warm water.
Once you do this, you should notice that your hair is stronger and shinier than before. Repeated treatments will help keep it in good condition.
Run In Place For A Minute
Have you been sitting down all day? If so, try running in place on the spot for a minute as fast as you can. You’ll increase your blood oxygen levels and give your face an instant, healthy glow.
Spritz Your Skin With Rose
Rose is one of the most potent ingredients out there for improving the quality of your skin. Now, many women are using rose or rosehip spritzes to instantly freshen their skin and fight back against inflammation.
It turns out that rose contains a host of anti-inflammatory factors that reduce things like redness and peeling. Be sure to use a spray bottle and avoid touching your face directly, as you could transfer harmful bacteria.
Show More Of Your Neckline

You don’t have to show off your cleavage to look sexy. Revealing more of your neckline will also do the trick.
To do this:
Choose tops, dresses, and blouses that provide plenty of visibility.
Look for halter necks and off-the-shoulder designs that keep your upper body open and free.
Add extra elegance by pairing with a pair of heeled shoes.