Photographer Bobby Quillard
1. Can you tell us a little more about your role STALKED BY MY DOCTOR: PATIENT’S REVENGE?
Melissa is a good student, friend, and daughter who has a loyal heart. Melissa wants to do what is right and sticks up for her friends and/or teachers. She is your All-American girl who works hard to achieve her goals
Pushing beyond extremes for what she feels is right even if it is taking justice in her own hands.
2. What was the biggest obstacle to acting in this new role?
Probably time. We shot the whole movie in 14 days. So you can imagine the number of sleepless nights studying lines and long days on set, but it was all worth it. One of my favorite projects I have ever done!
3. How different is your character from your real personality?
I am a rule follower. HAHA. I don't like taking risks that could get me killed or put in jail. So I would say we differ in those ways.
4. Are you single? If so who would be your ideal leading man for your next
I am not single
5. Where do you call home and when is your favorite place to vacation?
I live full time in Los Angeles, but home to me is where I grew up, which is Alabama. Geeze, hard to pick one spot, but I would have to say Maui.
6. What is your beauty routine from morning to night?
Wake up and cleanse my face with a foaming cleanser followed by lotion and the same at night before I go to bed. I’m an advocate on keeping it simple. I don't like to apply a lot of beauty products to my skin. I try to let my body age gracefully and believe in investing in a good face wash and lotion.
7. What is your go-to beauty products?
La Roche-Posay Purifying foaming cleanser and CeraVe Moisturizing cream. These two are my JAM!
8. What would you call your personal style?
Simplistic, with a little boho edge.
9. What other actress or actors do you admire?
One would be Reese Witherspoon. Not only is she a talented actress,
She is very grounded, humble, and a powerhouse mom. She has been
in the industry for many years and has been able to be in the spotlight
so gracefully.
10. How can fans reach out to you via social media?
Instagram and Twitter: @amdobbins91
11. What is your current obsession?
Iced vanilla bean coconut milk latte from Starbucks!