
Robbi Jan stars in Youtube Talk Show Miracle Mindse

Robbi Jan stars in Youtube Talk Show Miracle Mindse

Robbi Jan stars in Youtube Talk Show Miracle Mindset


Photographer: Ben Cope

How much pressure do you feel to stay up on beauty and wellness trends on social media today?

As a content creator, I do feel that it's important for me to keep up with the trends and products! Part of my job is to try new products, and to share my honest thoughts with my audience. However, I don't feel an immense amount of pressure to "keep up" because not all trends are for everyone, and I think it's important that we try not to compare ourselves to others. Being ourselves is more than enough and Instagram is a highlight reel, always. As for wellness, my main belief is that it's imperative to focus on your mental health. Health starts in your mind. Often we get so consumed with taking care of our physical bodies, that we neglect taking care of our mental health. The two are so intertwined, the body is a system, and that system can’t work to its highest ability if we are neglecting one area. Part of taking care of your mental health is learning to control your mind, and your thoughts. Having a healthy mindset (that leads to me being the happiest, most productive version of myself) starts in the morning. When you wake up, and you’re not in a good mood- our brains often choose to see that negative in the day-because that’s what we are focusing on. The good things are still happening all around us-but our minds are so focused on all the negatives, that that’s all we notice.



What's your top 5 beauty must haves for 2021-2022?

A few of my favorite products this year would have to be:

The Dyson Air Wrap. I am absolutely obsessed with it and use it every single day! I honestly wasn't sure if it would be worth the cost, but it has turned out to be my favorite purchase of 2021! It's like getting a fresh blowout every time you do your own hair, and it makes my routine so much faster than before (with less damage to your hair), I'll never go back to a regular curler!

The FAB Pharma Calamine Pore Purging Mask from First Aid Beauty has been one of my absolute favorite finds of 2021. It really clears out my pores of any toxins/dirt buildup and my skin has really improved.

The Pillow Lips Cream Lipstick from It Cosmetics in shade "Humble". It's such a good go-to shade for day or night, and you don't need lip liner with it to over-line your lips, which is a huge plus (at least to me)!

The Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk hydrating primer is one that I keep running back to, even though I've tried an endless amount of primers. It's so glow and hydrating, and after I set my makeup it doesn't move until I take it off at night.

Last but definitely not least would be the Charlotte Tilbury Instant Look of Love All over face palette. This palette is so versatile and great to travel with - You can use it to create both day & night looks on the whole face (it includes bronzer, blush, eyeshadows, highlight and face powder. Highly recommend that you add all of these into your beauty routines!



How did you start out on social media as a professional?

This was actually a career that happened organically for me! I kind of fell into it-My university degrees are actually in the health space. I worked full time in Cosmetic Dentistry as an OHT and it was my passion. I loved seeing my patients, changing people's perception of going to the dentist, and boosting people’s confidence by improving their smiles. I started taking a lot of before and after photos of fillings that I had done on my patients. When I started sharing these pictures to the social media accounts of the practice, the business skyrocketed. It was at that point I realized the power and potential for creating a community in social media. I genuinely love sharing my life, and I hope that sharing the highs and lows of my life, can empower other women.


Have you had any training for interviewing guests or did this just come natural for you?

I had never interviewed anyone prior to Miracle Mindset! I really just enjoy talking to others, and hearing their perspectives. I believe a strong interview is made with honesty in asking the right questions, boldness in those answers, and openness in the discussion of those answers. My goal is to have guests on the show who will talk about their opinions, experiences and thoughts in an open, safe environment. I want my guests to be honest, and have fun in their interviews, really speaking their full truth. It's refreshing to see an interview where someone is being real, and I hope for my subscribers to feel encouraged after watching my videos.



What's the theme of your interview series and how long does it take to complete a week's worth of tapings?

The purpose of creating the YouTube series is to explore health, wellness and have conversations about real life things. The nitty gritty. I already have a presence on YouTube, a supportive and incredible community, and I am going to focus all my efforts into the show. The theme is health, wellness and personal development content as well as fun along the way! Mainly, I’ll be focusing on the idea of positivity and how a positive mindset can completely change your life, while talking with guests about things they have experienced and overcome. As far as filming time, it really depends on the guest and the interview, but usually we film one episode in a couple of hours.

What's your spirit animal and why?

I think my spirit animal would have to probably be the rabbit. The rabbit is known for creativity, prosperity, intensity, love, cleverness, sensitivity, harmony, and imagination. These are all qualities that I aspire to hold, and describe me well. I am also always on the go, and onto the next thing, just like a rabbit would be. I love creating and trying new things and constantly pushing the boundaries of whatever I'm working on to try to be bigger and better.

What's your day to day beauty routine?  Products and rituals you can't live without?

I love makeup looks that start with a good glowy base, as well as a winged liner, nude lip and lots of mascara. I don't typically like wearing a ton of makeup so something more natural is usually my vibe. If I want to go a little more glam, occasionally I'll add a little more highlighter and some false lashes to the ends of my lashes. My favorite product of all time is probably the foundation that I use on a daily basis, which is the foundcealer from Tarte. It has such good coverage and really blends into the skin, and I keep going back to it. I've also been really into skincare over the past few years, and one of my absolute must haves is sunscreen. It's so important to protect our skin on a daily basis and SPF is a must.

What inspires you in life? Where is your safe place?

Honestly, I am inspired by the many strong, powerful and incredible women that surround me and that social media allows me to be connected to. My ultimate happy/safe place would have to be the beach. I grew up in Australia as a total beach baby and I miss being able to walk to the beach from my house more than anything in the world. I love LA but I can't wait to go back, to be able to visit the beach I grew up on as well as my parents and siblings. I'm one of six kids (they all live in Australia) and I miss them so much, and cannot wait until the borders reopen and I can visit home!

Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years?

Honestly, I have a goal list as long as my arm, but my current goals are to continue on the track I’m on with social media. Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram @robbijan. I will also be launching a brand in the next year, which is really exciting and something I've been wanting to do for so long. As I stated previously, one of my personal goals is to be able to visit my family in Australia as soon as possible. In the next 5 years I would love to have a family, since I grew up in a big family, it really made me want my own. 

How can fans reach out and support your projects?

I would love that! You can follow myInstagram:, myYouTube:, and my TikTok .

Please come say hi! I love interacting with everyone in the comments, and my followers/subscribers mean the absolute world to me, I wouldn't be where I am today without them. Thanks for having me! Until next time! xx


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