
Actress Taegen Burns of The  Mick Ducks : Game Changers - Ouch! Magazine

Actress Taegen Burns of The Mick Ducks : Game Changers

Nicole Mitchem Photography First off, you have the best name “TAEGEN,” do you know the meaning of your name? Thank you! My name is of Irish/Welsh descent and it means poet, fair, and beautiful.   How excited are you for your second season of “The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers?  How different are you from your character and how are you the same? I’m incredibly excited...

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Actor Sia Alipour stars on  Tehran Apple TV - Ouch! Magazine : Fashion Entertainment Blog and Publication

Actor Sia Alipour stars on Tehran Apple TV

Photo credits right to Sia Alipour via for exclusively ouch! magazine What's your background and where do you call home? Ouch Magazine has proudly celebrated all diversities of every kind for over 10 years.  I was born in Ahvaz, a town in South-West Iran. We moved countries a few times, and cities a few more times, so “home” is an interesting concept. London is definitely my city;...

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One to Watch Actress Caitlin Shorey - Ouch! Magazine

One to Watch Actress Caitlin Shorey

Congrats on making your television debut in "The Time Traveler's Wife,” how did you come across the project?  What's your character role and are you similar to her?  Thank you! I was given the audition from my agents at Take 3 Talent. I really liked the sides from the self tape and was excited to audition.  I was lucky enough to book the role of Young...

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