
Kate Drummond of Hulu’s new series Utopia Falls - Ouch! Magazine : Fashion Entertainment Blog and Publication

Kate Drummond of Hulu’s new series Utopia Falls

           PHOTOGRAPHY : HELEN TANSEY  What can you say about  Utopia Falls as a series? How will people react to it?  Utopia Falls is a genre-bending, coming of age story that takes place in a distant future colony called New Babyl. New Babyl is divided into sectors; Nature, Progress, Industry and Reform, and every year, a select group of 16-year-olds from...

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Actress Chelsea Frei of Moodys Christmas series - Ouch! Magazine : Fashion Entertainment Blog and Publication

Actress Chelsea Frei of Moodys Christmas series

      Photographer: Antoine Verglas Makeup: Viktorija Bowers Hair: Cameron Rains     The Moodys Christmas series project how did you discover this role? I remember reading the script (when I was first auditioning for the role) and being immediately drawn to Bridget. You can tell she’s a ticking time bomb, not completely sure of who she is yet but still hiding behind this...

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CW Seed's Beerfest Actor Blake Cooper Griffin - Ouch! Magazine

CW Seed's Beerfest Actor Blake Cooper Griffin

    Photographer : Vince Trupsin    https://vincetrupsinstudio.com   1.How did you prepare for this new role?   Well, I’m admittedly more of a tequila guy, but I’m also really into games so I’ve played my fair share of flip cup and beer pong.   2. What kind of acting roles do you see yourself branching out to in the near future?   I’m hoping Beerfest:...

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