
Music Artist Nella Cole

Music Artist Nella Cole

  Photography:Hana Haley 1. How long have you been a recording artist? Who discovered you?    I started recording the summer after I graduated high school. Fun fact: I didn’t even apply to any colleges because I was set on a performing career! The first place I ever recorded original music was at CBS studios. I submitted to a casting call that my friend's mom...

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Inanna an indie pop duo exclusive interview

Inanna an indie pop duo exclusive interview

  Artist info below: Twitter: @inanna_na Instagram: @inanna__na   1. What is the process that you go through to write a song? Hannah: I’ll field this one since I wrote the EP. I have three main types of songwriting that I’ve noticed, and they’re more types of inspiration, I won’t just sit down and force it. The first is a random flash, like I’ll be cooking and a...

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3 Reasons to Watch The Dirt on Netflix

3 Reasons to Watch The Dirt on Netflix

    If you’re into heavy metal music like thrash metal band Exodus, have at least heard of theband Mötley Crüe, or just love watching beautiful things go up in flames, The Dirt might bewhat’s missing from your weekly film night. It is a no-holds barred look at Mötley Crüe’s riseand fall. Here’s the lowdown on why you need to see this new Netflix movie. An...

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