
Actress Chelsea Frei of Moodys Christmas series - Ouch! Magazine : Fashion Entertainment Blog and Publication

Actress Chelsea Frei of Moodys Christmas series

      Photographer: Antoine Verglas Makeup: Viktorija Bowers Hair: Cameron Rains     The Moodys Christmas series project how did you discover this role? I remember reading the script (when I was first auditioning for the role) and being immediately drawn to Bridget. You can tell she’s a ticking time bomb, not completely sure of who she is yet but still hiding behind this...

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EVAN RODERICK STARS IN NETFLIX’S NEW DRAMA SERIES “SPINNING OUT” - Ouch! Magazine : Fashion Entertainment Blog and Publication


      Photography: Ian Lanterman Styling: Cheyenne Hoffman Grooming: Katie Elwood   What's Spinning Out about in your own words? It’s a story that centers around this elite level figure skater, Kat Baker, who yearns to be remembered through her sport, all the while balancing family struggles, her own battle with mental illness, and her love life.    Who is your character in this...

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Heartthrob Cody Kearsley exclusive only with Ouch Magazine - Ouch! Magazine

Heartthrob Cody Kearsley exclusive only with Ouch Magazine

  Photographer: Kyrani Kanavaros Styling: Cheyenne Hoffman Grooming: Nadia Hoecklin Interview @ouchmagazineny   First of all congratulations on making it out alive in season one.  Thank you! It's truly been a life-changing experience.   Was it difficult to grunt through all your scenes instead of talk? It’s actually very fun and very liberating as an actor. It was a great exercise for me in exploring...

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